7 Things We Learn From Acts 8:26-39

Acts 8, the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch, is rich with meaning for us today. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

In Acts 8:26-39, when Philip speaks with the Ethiopian eunuch, God highlights these truths:

1. The gospel is for all nations and races

This conversion of a black foreigner proved to the early church that everyone is equal in the kingdom of God.* Revelation 5:9-10

2. The gospel is for all classes of people

The Ethiopian was "important" (v. 27). Sometimes we concentrate on the poor and needy; but rich, important people also need Jesus. 1 Timothy 6:17-19

3. Without God's Spirit, Scripture is hard to understand (vv. 30-31). 
1 Corinthians 2:14John 14:26

4. Old and New Testaments are about Jesus

Philip started in the Old Testament to explain Jesus (vv. 32-35), just as Jesus did in Luke 24:27.

5. Sincere seekers find Jesus

The Ethiopian wanted to know the truth. Jeremiah 29:13

6. Genuine conversion is more than words

The Ethiopian wanted to be baptized immediately (v. 36). 1 Thessalonians 1:4-10

7. Knowing Jesus brings joy (v. 39). John 15:10-11  

What a truth-packed story from God's Word!
To read a 1-minute devotion about each of the 7 points above, see The Ethiopian Eunuch Series.

* If you read all of Acts, you will find that accepting non-Jews into the faith was a hard truth for the Jews to accept, even some of the Apostles. See Galatians 2

Image from LaVista Church

To do a short Bible study on this passage check out today's Bite Size Bible Study. This study explains why Acts 8:37 is omitted in newer translations of the Bible. It also contains an image with all 7 points in case you'd like to pin the list.
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Acts 8, the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch, is rich with meaning for us today. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Thank you. Explained nicely, enjoyable reading

  2. It is God’s desire that the truth be preached everywhere to all humanity. Acts 1:8.
