Endured or Cured

If all Christians were healed of physical illness, we'd miss a great deal of testimony about God's faithfulness. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

God has healed me of illness on a number of occasions. But not always. I prefer healing, but I've learned more through illness.

And those who've endured physical suffering have impacted my faith more than those who haven't suffered:
  • Joni, 40 years a quadriplegic, who suffers constant pain but joyfully ministers to others.
  • Steve Saint who never asks why his adventurous mission lifestyle was cut short by an accident that left him with a serious spinal cord injury.
  • Uncomplaining Merrill Davis who lost his eyesight despite his dedication to overseas mission work.
If all Christians experienced healing, I think we'd be weaker. We'd never know that God's love and comfort is sufficient for any illness, any suffering, any physical limitation....anything (2 Corinthians 12:9; John 16:33).

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If all Christians were healed of physical illness, we'd miss a great deal of testimony about God's faithfulness. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible


  1. He is enough . . . in all things. He has always been there and always will be, through the end of this life and into the next.

  2. Merrill always refers to Paul's enduring a thorn in the flesh as his example in what has occurred with his vision. A good reminder to me that not all of life is as we would like it to be, but let's make the best of what we have! Nice devotion, Gail.

  3. Nice words. After being a Christian for a life time, I had a friend with colon cancer. I committed myself to pray for her as long as it would take for her to be healed or to be taker to God's arms. Everyday... That's when God really changed my life... And before she died I thank her for her smile despite her pain. Her sickness was blessing for many people around her and she could be instrument in God's hand. God bless you, Gail.
