Real Victims Can Find Victory in Christ. Fake Victims Never Will.

Genuine Victims can find joy and restoration in Christ. But people who like playing the victim will never find peace.

Instead of realizing that life involves some difficult relationships, Satan wants us to see ourselves as victims. 

This “victim mentality,” has led to the phenomenal success of Boundaries teachings, creating a culture of blame-shifting and self-pity (Proverbs 18:1).

Instead of learning mature relationship skills, many are choosing to blame-shift and exaggerate their circumstances. 

When I write about reconciliation (especially with parents), I usually hear from people insisting their mistreatment is beyond hope.  

I once had a man write to tell me that his emotional suffering from his negative parents was “far worse” than people who've been sexually or physically abused. 

I know several women personally who've been genuinely abused, and my heart breaks for them. I guarantee that this man didn't suffer more than they did.

And here's the amazing part: these women I know who've been genuinely victimized aren't living as victims because they've found Christ. 

I'll never understand their pain, but their lives testify to Christ's ability to restore and heal those who've been abused (Romans 8:28). 

Instead of dwelling on the genuine pain they've suffered, they've learned to dwell on the genuine love of Christ. Instead of letting their pain stunt their spiritual growth, Christ has helped them move beyond it.  

Each of us has a choice: we can let those who mistreat us ruin our lives, or we can let Christ mature us, set us free, move us forward, teach us forgiveness, and refine our faith.


To read about the Bible character who had every reason to feel victimized see: Are You a Victim or a Victor?

To understand that cutting people off is not the biblical way to deal with difficult relationships, see Are Boundaries Biblical?

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Genuine Victims can find joy and restoration in Christ. But people who like playing the victim will never find peace.

Genuine Victims can find joy and restoration in Christ. But people who like playing the victim will never find peace.

Genuine Victims can find joy and restoration in Christ. But people who like playing the victim will never find peace.


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