Responding to an Error Believed by 58% of Professing Christians

This short devotion explains a popular error and how to respond to it biblically.

Pew Research reports that 58% of professing Christians believe people of other faiths can be saved.* This is another way of saying it's our goodness that saves us, not our beliefs.

Let me suggest a possible conversation that can help us address this false belief: 

“I believe people of all faiths go to heaven if they’re good. 

Who decides who is good?”    

God does.”

Which God?”

“Whichever God a person believes.

“The God of the Bible says, ‘There is no one righteous, not even one’ (Romans 3:10). He says the only way we can be saved is by believing in Christ and accepting His payment for sin. And that means all other gods are false gods, leading people to eternal death (John 3:16-18; John 14:6).” 

“Well, I believe each person decides what is true for them, and if they are faithful to that truth, they'll be saved.  

We often say what's true for one person isn't true for another, but that doesn't work when we're talking about God. Every faith defines God and salvation differently. For example, many religions accept Christ as a prophet. But Scripture teaches that we go to Hell unless we believe He is God, our Savior. Claiming all religions are legitimate is the same as claiming none are legitimate because they all disagree on major doctrines.” 

Because so many people believe this lie, I encourage you to be prepared to answer it accurately (1 Peter 3:15). 

* 44% of evangelicals.


In Eternal Life, I share my own misconceptions before coming to the Lord. And I encourage you to read Universal Salvation Insults God.

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This short devotion explains a popular error and how to respond to it biblically.


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