When You Can't Even Pray

5 things to do when you feel too sick, discouraged, confused, frustrated, or distracted to pray. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Biblestudy

Have you ever felt so discouraged that you couldn’t pray? 

Chronic health problems, broken relationships, death, discouragement, or other hardships can make it hard to concentrate in prayer.

So what should you do if you find yourself in this situation?

1. Ask God for help.
You don't need a long prayer. Simply say, "help me, Lord!" 

2 Corinthians 1:3-4: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 

2. Ask friends for help.
When we don't feel like praying, we can and should ask others to pray for us and with us. Ask them to pray that you will experience the peace of God in the midst of your difficulties (Philippians 4:6-7).

3. Listen to Scripture songs.
Scripture tells us to do this, and it has a powerful effect on our thoughts and attitudes (Ephesians 5:19). 
See Praise Music Therapy.

4. Recite prayers found in Scripture.
I encourage you to read prayers from Scripture. God's Word always has an effect on our spirits, and the prayers in Scripture often speak to our most urgent needs.
See: 6 Good Prayers from the Epistles and 10 Good Prayers from the Psalms.

5. Recite Scriptures you’ve memorized.
Recite comforting Scriptures you know by heart because God's Word is alive and powerful (Hebrews 4:12).

When you're struggling, these things can help.

For additional help in this area, check out this collection of 1-minute devotions: Overcoming Adversity. These are some of the devotions you'll find in that collection:

I pray that God will give you comfort and peace in your hardship.


I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word: Wisdom for Life. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. And get two free Bible studies with purchase HERE 
I also encourage you to sign up or a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet. Find out more HERE.

5 things to do when you feel too sick, discouraged, confused, frustrated, or distracted to pray.

5 things to do when you feel too sick, discouraged, confused, frustrated, or distracted to pray.


  1. Beautiful. Thank you so much. The picture speaks volumes. What a blessing.

  2. thank you I needed to read this today

  3. God bless you.again and again.

  4. Thank you for the encouragement.When my dad passed away recently it has been difficult to pray.

  5. Thank you. I have been so upset over my daughter and her husband leaving the church and she commiting adultery. They are divorcing. She has chosen to lead and "alternative lifestyle". I am sickened by her sinful choices. We were so close. She is our baby and our only girl. We did everything together. Since she left the church she has said hurtful things accusing her father and I of horrible things she has told terrible lies and she was once such a loving, trustworthy, dependable, daughter. We miss who she was and are desperately concerned for her eternity. I have been so tired of praying for her hardened heart. She refuses to communitcate with us, see us, visit. I have no idea how else to pray.

    1. Dear Denise,
      I'm so sorry for what you are suffering. I pray that you will feel God's comfort and guidance, and I pray that your daughter will turn from her sins and realize her need for the Lord.
