The True Gospel Makes Us Sad Before It Makes Us Happy

Beware of missing ingredients in some Gospel Presentations. If sharing Christ doesn't make people uncomfortable, you're not sharing it the right way. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

We can't share Christ without explaining our personal sin and our need for a Savior ...

Recently I read an article identifying Christ-like behavior versus Pharisee-like behavior. It identified Christ-like believers as being more interested in helping people understand God's love than understand their sin.

But that really isn't possible.

The greatest act of love in all of history was Christ giving His life for our sins.
Beware of missing ingredients in some Gospel Presentations. If sharing Christ doesn't make people uncomfortable, you're not sharing it the right way. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Without understanding our sin, we'll miss the depth of His sacrifice.

Sin and repentance are essential elements of the gospel.

Matthew 4:17 says Jesus preached, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near." 

In Luke 24:46-47 He explains we should preach "repentance for the forgiveness of sins."

The gospel message is not: "Feel good about yourself because God loves you." The gospel is: "Realize that your sins hung Jesus on the cross. Repent and turn to Jesus. His love is incredible." 

If we don't help people understand their sin, they will never understand the great love of Jesus.
For more on this subject, see Dallas Jenkins Explains the Story Behind The Chosen.

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Beware of missing ingredients in some Gospel Presentations. If sharing Christ doesn't make people uncomfortable, you're not sharing it the right way. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Very true. That is what the commandments do. Like Paul said (in summary), they tell us of our need for a Savior.

  2. Oh I totally agree. This statement in particular "Without understanding our sin, we'll miss the depth of His sacrifice", is SO weighty.

  3. Very good devotional. I just heard someone on tv, this morning, say that the gospel is that Jesus died for all people.... that's it. There was no mention of sin or repentance. The sad part is that not only do people not recognize the greatness of our God and His love, but they also have no salvation and no hope.......Linda E.

  4. This is so true! Thank you for spreading the truth 💟

  5. So true! Thank you for spreading the truth ��
