Did Joseph's Brothers Ever Really Repent?

Did Joseph's Brothers Ever Repent?
We apologize for this extra step, but this devotion from 2012 was updated and is now located at the link below.

We pray that this devotion will encourage you!

Did His Brothers Ever Really Repent?


  1. I needed to hear this. Thank you for this love note. God is so good.

  2. Often what I write comes from something I'm struggling with in my own life...something I'm seeking God's help in understanding. And that's the case with this devotion. May God help us both to trust Him more. Thanks for sharing. Gail

  3. Thank you for this! Praise God. I am working on this myself with God's help.

    1. I'm so glad it was helpful, Amber. Joseph's story has helped me deal with bitterness...it really is a powerful reflection of what trusting God can help us overcome in life.
