
A TV show from the 1950's involving gifts of a million dollars is the backdrop for this 1-minute devotion about wealth. #Bible #BibleLoveNotes #Devotions #Millionaire

When I was a child, there was a TV show called “The Millionaire.” Each episode highlighted a person unexpectedly receiving $1,000,000 from an anonymous benefactor. 

Sadly, many of these new millionaires were ruined by their windfall.(1) 

“Whoever trusts in his riches will fall...Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” Proverbs 11:28 & 1 Timothy 6:10

Most of us think we could handle great wealth. Or we’d at least like to give it a try. But we underestimate the temptation of worldly treasures like wealth, prestige, comfort, and pleasure (1 John 2:15-17). 

Our culture constantly beckons us to find meaning in these things, but the Apostle Paul sets us straight:

"I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” Philippians 3:8

May we, like Paul, have this single-minded goal for our lives.
(1) This was a fictional show, but Scripture confirms that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:9). 

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A TV show from the 1950's involving gifts of a million dollars is the backdrop for this 1-minute devotion about wealth. #Bible #BibleLoveNotes #Devotions #Millionaire

Bible Love Notes


  1. I know I couldn't handle great wealth. I would rather have the wealth of knowing Jesus Christ. Good post!!

  2. You know Gail, I have always consider myself and my kids to be millionaires not of money, but of His grace. If we have Him what else do we need right?

    1. Amen. Having God in your heart and doing His will is all we as Christians need. Being sold out to God is awesome. God is in control of everything.

  3. Great point, and exactly why my husband and I talk about wanting to win a SMALL lottery pot, not a large one. I'm thankful daily for the REAL wealth I can claim. Thank you for this.
