Memory Collage

Create this memory collage to remember special things in your life. Step-by-step directions with lots of pictures.

I wanted to make a collage of our time in Budapest where we lived for almost 5 years doing Christian work. It was a special time in our lives when the Lord taught us so many important truths, and I wanted something to hang on the wall as a reminder of His work in our lives.

Create this memory collage to remember special things in your life. Step-by-step directions with lots of pictures.

I started by making black and white copies of tourist maps of Budapest, an old map of Hungary, bus passes and Hungarian paper money. I also made enlargements of several photos I liked.

Create this memory collage to remember special things in your life. Step-by-step directions with lots of pictures.

My background is a blank white canvas. I spent some time arranging the background and photos until I was happy with the layout. When I started decoupaging onto the canvas, some of the copies puckered a bit, but I smoothed as best I could, and the finished collage looked fine in spite of these.

Create this memory collage to remember special things in your life. Step-by-step directions with lots of pictures.

This is a copy of a drawing a friend made of the house where we lived (in an upstairs flat) during the time we lived in Budapest. That home will always be special to us because it holds so many wonderful memories of Bible studies, small groups, and conversations about the Lord with international friends.

Create this memory collage to remember special things in your life. Step-by-step directions with lots of pictures.

After several coats of decoupage on the background, I put the pictures on with decoupage. It looks streaky when you apply it, but dries with a neat looking texture...just make sure your brush strokes are as smooth as possible and go in the same direction.

 Create this memory collage to remember special things in your life. Step-by-step directions with lots of pictures.

This close up shows how streaky they look when wet.

Create this memory collage to remember special things in your life. Step-by-step directions with lots of pictures.

I really like how it turned out. After several coats of decoupage, I put on a spray sealer.

Create this memory collage to remember special things in your life. Step-by-step directions with lots of pictures.

Here are the explanations for each item I included. 

If you'd like to read some of the devotions I've written that have to do with our time in Hungary and our annual trips to Hungary, you can check these out:

💙4 Puzzle Pieces - How God sometimes directs our lives.
💙Just Another Day in Paradise - our time on a 100-year-old farm.
💙When God Changes Our Plans  - How we ended up in Hungary.
💙Our Divine Translator - Things I learned from speaking with a translator and how they apply to us as Christians.  
💙Did You Know My Brother is a Songwriter? - A wonderful revelation about God's family.  
💙God is Good Even When our Circumstances are Bad  - The story of being pick-pocketed.
💙He Developed a Curriculum for Survival While in Prison - this is such a good testimony from a Hungarian priest!
💙My Friend Lived in a Box - The spiritual consequences of Communism.
💙How Can You Shine Today? - Revelations from a Tram Ride. 
💙Praying for Those in Your Path - No matter where you live.
💙Caffeine-free or Extra Espresso
What ordering in a different language taught me about God - a story that is both humorous and profound!
💙100-year-old Hungarian Farm - This is a pictural look at our 3-week stay in an old farm...beautiful!!

Create this memory collage to remember special things in your life. Step-by-step directions with lots of pictures.

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at my memory collage. I hope you'll also check out my home page where I send subscribers a 1-Minute devotion each weekday. I'd love to have you sign up for a free subscription. God bless you, Gail

Create this memory collage to remember special things in your life. Step-by-step directions with lots of pictures.


  1. Great idea to display your memories. I love decoupage, there are endless things you can do with it!

  2. That is so classic and gorgeous! I love how you used the map as the background!
    Found you on the Romance on a Dime Hop- if you'd like to link up with Ladies Holiday on Wednesday for a book hop and/or Friday to add your favorite photos (from a post is fine!)we'd love to have your contribution!

  3. This is such a wonderful ideas. The pictures are simply gorgeous. I think I would love to try this decoupage. I would love it if you could share this wonderful post at our What’s it Wednesday linky party. I hope you can join us.


  4. This is great!! I really do like your wonderful idea. I am going to keep this in mind for when my fiancee and I go on our honeymoon. It will be a way to show the wonderful fun time we will be having.

  5. It's been fun checking out your blog! What a clever way to display your memories. I would love to have you stop by and enter my link party, as well. (Hosted every Saturday)

  6. What an awesome way to preserve your memories! So fun and romantic! My husband and I are headed to Ireland in October and I so wanna try this!

    Thanks for sharing on Teagan's Travels.

  7. A great way to display your time in Budapest. Thank you for sharing your creativity at Potpourri Friday!

  8. Beautifully done!! Thanks so much for linking up to Tasty Thursdays on The Mandatory Mooch!! I hope you will link up again. The party will be live tonight.

    Thanks, Nichi

  9. Such a great collage. Beautiful. Thanks for linking up at Take it on Tuesday!!

  10. This is such a great collage. How special!!! Thank's for sharing with Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party last week.
    Have a great week.

  11. Oooo.. that did turn out nice. Thanks for the inspiration! Linda
