On The Eve of Destruction - Poetic Justice

A Short Poem about the Poetic Justice of Eve's choice in the Garden of Eden and a reminder of God's incredible Grace. #Bible #Poem #Devotions

On the Eve of Destruction
by Gail Burton Purath
Logic denied it
And all reason defied
Why this beautiful woman
Had chosen to die
He’d given her everything
Earth below, sky above
She had no good reason
To turn from His love
And why would she listen
To hissed words so obscene
When later that evening
She could talk with the King?
What heart motives drew her
To take that first taste
When one bite condemned
Every child of her race?
She had fruit abundant
Peaceful days, tranquil nights
No sickness or heartache
Only joy and delight
A Father Who loved her
A husband who cared
A wonderful Garden
No cause for despair
How reckless her longings
That led to that bite
How foolish her thoughts
How tragic her plight
And I stand there with her
I know it’s the truth
I see them—my teeth marks
On that piece of fruit
No reason excuses
Our selfish disgrace
Nor can logic explain
God’s unreasonable grace!

copyright Gail Burton Purath, 2012

Why not take some time and explore some additional truths about the message in this poem:

4. Read Romans 5:18-19. Even though Eve sinned first and she is held responsible for her sin, Adam is held responsible for the fall of mankind because he was created first and he was designed to lead his wife. See Why is Adam Blamed for the Fall of Humanity? and The Second Oldest Sin: Peer Pressure.

5&6. Before the fall of mankind, Adam and Eve experienced a perfect world, without death, decay, sorrow, or problems of any kind. But the good news is that God never stopped loving us. He uses our fallen world to save us: see 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 and Why We Are Clay Jars.

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A Short Poem about the Poetic Justice of Eve's choice in the Garden of Eden and a reminder of God's incredible Grace.

A Short Poem about the Poetic Justice of Eve's choice in the Garden of Eden and a reminder of God's incredible Grace.

A Short Poem about the Poetic Justice of Eve's choice in the Garden of Eden and a reminder of God's incredible Grace.


  1. Thank you God for your amazing Grace. Beautiful poem

  2. lovely poem, Gail! thank you for sharing this.
