Same Old Lie

When Satan whispers this lie in your ear, make sure you ignore him. It leads to depression. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Depression #Devotions

Several years ago I let a life disappointment take me into a six-month pit of depression. 

I discovered that for many people, depression is based on one lie in  particular: “You can’t be happy unless...” 

It has different endings for different people: “unless your health improves...unless your finances improve... unless an important relationship improves...unless you get a better job...etc.”

Only when I quit listening to this lie, did I start to recover and embrace the truth:

My happiness depends on one circumstance alone—my relationship with Jesus, who will never leave or forsake me (Hebrews 13:5).

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid...In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” ~ Jesus,  John 14:27, John 16:33

If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, encourage them to focus on these promises. 

I had to disable comments on this post when it was originally published because I had so many rude comments claiming that the only real depression is caused by physical/biological imbalance.  I've reopened comments, but I won't publish ones coming from that perspective.

I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word: Wisdom for Life. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. And find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE. You can read the first 4 devotions in the book by clicking "look inside" on Lifeway or Amazon.
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Bible Love Notes

When Satan whispers this lie in your ear, make sure you ignore him. It leads to depression.

When Satan whispers this lie in your ear, make sure you ignore him. It leads to depression.

When Satan whispers this lie in your ear, make sure you ignore him. It leads to depression.


  1. Same old lie, and one of the best ways to fight it is with gratitude, thanksgiving to the Lord for everything.

  2. Thank you for that correction from the Word today, Gail! Lies come so smoothly and subtly, don't they? I had never thought about correcting the lie, per se, but, instead tried to correct the persons' true! Lord, may many read this and heed the truth here to your glory!

    1. Thanks, Jacqueline. I always appreciate your encouragement/insights.

    2. This is perfect for me, thank God for this ministry.

    3. Thank God for this ministry, may God continue to bless it and encourage everyone who drinks from this well.

  3. This is just what I needed to hear. It is so true that our happiness depends on our relationship with the Lord. Thank you so much. God bless you.

  4. Gail: love the "Mistake" of receiving the new Bite size Bible study. I personally would like the verses included with the text. That way, if I only have a few minutes while waiting at the doctors office, etc., I don't have to spend precious time flipping back & forth on my i-pad.

    Also, regarding this article on depression, real depression is caused by a chemical imbalance. You'd go to the doctor for diabetes, high blood pressure, but not for depression. I tried to "go it alone", but God showed me that I couldn't do it by myself. I wasn't just sad, I was suicidal. I've been off and on anti-depressants for 2o years. Don't tell people it's "all in their head". You aren't helping them.

    1. Hi, Anonymous. I, too, have suffered from clinical depression, although that part of my life is well behind me now, praise God. I would like to point out, though, that the claim you make that depression is because of chemical imbalance is simply based on a theory and cannot be proven as there is no test that can measure this so-called imbalance. Depression is diagnosed not by a blood test but through a conversation had with one's doctor. Depression is a terrible thing indeed, which is why we should be careful to base our discussion of depression on facts we do know. Of course, I am certainly not saying that I have the answer, but I think we do greatly neglect the spiritual aspect of depression (and other 'diseases'), and I, for one, really appreciate Gail's understanding of this awful thing that is depression.

    2. I agree, I too suffer from Depression. I have found that studying what the word says along with medication and a good Christian therapist is the best combination for me. (I believe it is a chemical imbalance)

    3. In my experience the best way is not to always ignore the lie but deal with Saton the liar. Tell Him what God has already done, say scripture out loud. I remember saying out loud, “ I will not be defeated! Over and over and that was so empowering🥰❤️🙏

  5. Thanks for the feedback on the Bite Size Bible Study format. That's the way I'm leaning as well.

    And thanks for the feedback on depression.

    It's not possible to take into consideration all of the variables of depression when writing a short devotion, so I apologize if I offended you or made you feel like I was minimizing your experiences. I hope you know that was not my intent.

    But my depression was also serious, and I also felt like there was no good reason to go on living. So I believe my experiences and the things God taught me through the healing process will be relevant to some of my readers, if not all. If they don't fit your experiences, I understand completely. I actually would be surprised if anyone agreed with me all the time. I'm a fallen human being, and I will be the first to say I don't have all the answers and I make mistakes that I don't always recognize. But I'm doing my best to transmit the truths that have impacted my life.

    Thanks again for adding your voice to this important subject.

  6. Amen!!! I have seeing it very close. You know Gail. And yes we have to hold on strong from Him and only Him and He will set us free.
    I work with people with disabilities, many of whom suffer from depression. When they don't have God in their lives they are hopeless. But you and I know of someone who is a strong christian and the devil still wants to destroy with his lies, but he praises and signs to The Father in the midst of the darkness in the midst of a painful depression and He listens and delivers!

    What a great message Gail. Thank you for your faithfulness!

    1. Been through a similar situation - not diagnosed with depression, but battled a long time with those feelings and finding that so much hangs in the balance of what I choose to believe and what thoughts I allow. The truth does set you free- sometimes moment by moment...Thanks for the encouraging post!

  7. Thank you Gail. I agree with you and know that I or anyone else who is depressed because of a situation in their life or whatever circumstance can overcome by the blood of the Lamb, by Jesus and saying to satan to get behind me (or away from me) so that the Lord can heal us from the things in our life that hold us captive. I'm sorry...that is some run-on-and-on-and-on-sentence!!

    Have a wonderful day!!

  8. My husband has been such a blessing throughout my struggles; he has been willing to stop his work to listen to me and help me come up with solutions for the problem, not just the emotion. Thank you for this encouragement and the helpful verses.

  9. This is a wonderful reminder to keep our focus on God, and not all of the what if's that can consume us.

  10. I agree that sometimes quitting our unthankfulness about circumstances can lift depression, but it's also true and very important to represent that just as our bodies are under the curse of sin and sickness, so too are our brains. Think neurotransmitter imbalances = depression. It's important to recognize this because sometimes people's suffering can be amplified by a false sense of guilt that they are now also failing spiritually! It's very important to get to the root of the problem for each individual. Glad you were able to identify what worked for you 😊 Renae

  11. As a Christian healthcare worker, I've often been confused about depression. I understand pathophysiology as well as sin nature and I have to agree that as temples of the Holy Spirit, we have a greater power over that sin nature. Lack of gratitude is sin. If God be for us, who can be against us? This doesn't discount the love we are required to show people who are suffering depression and the encouragement we are to give, but I often find that even amongst Christian's, there are those who prefer to wallow in depression.
    Maybe I'm wrong.

  12. Thank you, Gail, for sharing this! I battle periodic bouts of varying levels of depression as I deal with the extremely stressful, emotionally taxing situation(s) in which God has placed me. I recognize that there is a physiological (neurological) element, so I don't fight it or allow that to depress me more, but I also recognize that our God is the Great Physician, and I turn to Him for His healing. Two weeks ago, when I was feeling completely unable to function, I had tears streaming down my cheeks as I was lifting my hands and singing along to Casting Crowns' "Praise You in This Storm." God blessed that demonstration of faith and completely turned me around. He doesn't always answer our prayers with "yes" so quickly and dramatically, and sometimes, even often, He allows us to continue to suffer for whatever His good purpose is, but He is always faithful, and knowing that keeps me going (and keeps me in constant prayer) as I deal with my challenges. Hebrews 12:1-2 is such an inspiration to me, as is 1 Peter 4:12. (I'm not surprised that you got rude comments. I have been heavily abused on a neighborhood social media site for speaking up to protect children from harmful influences in our society. God bless you for sharing the truth!)

  13. Yes, this is a cause of depression. It happens when the world around us has us comparing ourselves to others. When we tell ourselves if won't be happy until a certain criteria is met, like you said. . . “unless your health improves...unless your finances improve... unless an important relationship improves...unless you get a better job...etc.” We have to get our focus back on the Lord and realize how much He loves us and start having an attitude of gratitude for we are wonderfully made and the riches of the Kingdom belong to us. Thank you for your devotionals. I am a stroke survivor . . . a stroke warrior . . . and I share your devotionals with our stroke group. May the Lord continue to bless your ministry.

  14. During this pandemic I have learned this lesson the hard way. I have always thought that my peace and joy in the lord until I was made redundant. I was shocked to see myself losing my peace and joy. One day the lord told me, you need to learn how to have your peace and joy in me. So, I'm learning this lesson one day at a time.

    1. Thanks for sharing this, Hadi.
      Yes, I think we are all being tested and learning things about ourselves. May God continue to give you guidance and encouragement.

  15. One more significant lie is Depression itself. it simply means "there is no God or God does not care at all. If you believe in God, no matter how high the waves and storms of life, you know that He is right there reaching for our hand.

    1. I agree that depression is based on our human weaknesses and our focus on earthly problems instead of the power and comfort of our Lord.

      And, it is also a "normal" human problem, even for those who are strong in the Lord.

      When we read the Book of Psalms we see how often David ("a man after God's own heart") came to God depressed and disillusioned. David always brought himself back to the reality of God, but he describes times of great sorrow, sleepless nights, fear, anxiety, and pain. He talks of being forgotten by God.

      Jeremiah, a wonderful servant of God, also experienced great discouragement and depression. And Job, who God highly commended, actually reached a point where he wished he'd never been born.

      Elijah, a great and powerful servant of God, suffered depression after one of his greatest victories in the Lord.

      Our Lord understands our human weaknesses and deals with us so lovingly when we are depressed.

      Psalm 103:13-14: As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed...

      Psalm 147:3: He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

  16. I understand and agree how this lie can get me depressed. Now I just need to be aware of it and ignore the lie. Especially the lie about I won't be happy unless I'm in a relationship.

  17. Here I am posting again. Thanks. O see the value in remembering: I won't be happy helps me become more self-aware.

  18. I have a question for those being rude with their comments about depression being strictly "physical/biological". Who /what do you think is the root cause of these conditions?...God??...if you're a believer in Christ Jesus, then you should be very aware of the other (evil) entity that will stop at nothing to grow doubt and unbelief in the hearts and minds of people...(God's people most especially) do you not believe in Satan tearing down our resistance by attacking our physical bodies, right down to a cellular level? And in doing that;he wears down our hearts and minds and they too become susceptible to him. Then once he's in, he can cause as much pain, depression, anxiety, and wrong reasoning as he wants. But if we keep our bodies as a dwelling place for the holy spirit..and our hearts receptive to God's word and His great love and mercy for us we leave no room or opportunity for the devil to reach us..Yes there will be illness, in these earthly bodies & minds that we as souls inhabit, in this life... on this earth.... God has made that very clear from the beginning; but our faith in the One who has already "overcome this world/earthly things.....our belief in what Christ teaches is our refuge in the "here and now. Conditions of our physical and mental health should be treated/understood as our weaknesses meant to be traded for God's strength. In other words, we are meant to become more dependent on our Creator, for Him to finish the good work He started in us. By doing this, we're able to claim our inheritance of everlasting life with our Father, in New bodies that never get sick or have pain. Unbelief and not submitting to God and His will for us keeps us separated from this life and the next. I, for one am not about to let that happen. I pray that you don't either. Taking every opportunity to grow closer to to God and knowing without a doubt what and who you are in Him. Then tell everyone you meet that they can do the same. Love and peace be with you ❤✝️
