Bad Blood

Everything was working against Joe. He had every "right" to live an angry life. Instead, he became an amazing man. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Joe’s childhood was full of jealousy, strife, crime and sin:
What a family!

Psychologists tell us that two things determine how we’ll turn out—heredity and environment. If that were true, Joe wouldn’t have had a chance.

But Joe, or Joseph as he’s called in the Bible, chose not to let his heredity and environment determine the outcome of his life.

And we can do the same…when we choose to trust God instead of our circumstances! Whatever is troubling you today, give it to the Lord. There is no obstacle in your life too great for God to overcome!

“In all things God works for the good of those who love him....” Romans 8:28 

I encourage you to read Joseph’s interesting story in Genesis 37-50, and why not copy down all of the obstacles he overcame. And check out the collection of 1-Minute Devotions about Joseph. I especially recommend Beyond Excuses.
Biblical, concise, affordable devotional

💙Be sure to check out The Bible Love Notes devotional Wisdom for Life. It's discounted on LifewayAmazon, and CBD

And you can also sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes 1-minute devotions HERE.

Photo: stockvault

Everything was working against Joe. He had every "right" to live an angry life. Instead, he became an amazing man. This 1-minute devotion explains.


Everything was working against Joe. He had every "right" to live an angry life. Instead, he became an amazing man. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes


  1. The story of Joseph is one of my favorites. I like how you put this all together today!

  2. I've learned from experience that our upbringing,environment or anything else,God will use for His glory! Love Jo's story!

  3. This story is incorrect. You need to reread Genesis in an original Holy Bible called the King James Version.

    1. Dear Amy,
      It's the same in whatever version you read. If you click the links in the devotion, you will find them linked to multiple versions of Scripture including the KJV. There is perhaps another Scripture you might want to look up in the KJV - Proverbs 18:13.

  4. A product or your environment... that's what people called us in the poverty stricken, gang infested, drug ridden area where I grew up. But many of us defide the odds and got out of that neighborhood and took as many as we could with us. That's a picture of our walk with God in this world. As with our spiritual life, we either look around and become what we see... or we look around and say I don't like what I see, and get out. - Thank you for the great devotional today.

    1. Praise God that He can change our lives no matter the background!

  5. I love how God not only redeemed Jo! His brothers were also redeemed, by the time it was all said and done, jo’s Brothers end up with their names written on gates in heaven. Nothing is to hard for God when we let him have total control over our lives! Hallelujah for Gods great pursuing love! I love this reminder, great writing, the way you bring it to our time, the Bible is not stories from long ago, they are about today and all generations! The living word of God! Current! Bonnie

    1. Your right up has brighten my hope of making it to my PROMISED LAND🙏🤔. Thank You ABBA FATHER.

  6. I have almost given up until I read your message.My hope is rekindled 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🤔🤔🤔. Thanks you Abba Father for your MERCY.

  7. I love Joseph story. It's an awe inspiring for us.

    We can deal and surpassed our hard times thru perseverance. God is always there and watching over us.
