
Christians Who Inspire Us

This collection of 1-minute devotions inspires and challenges us with glimpses into the lives of past and modern saints who boldly live their faith in Jesus.

This collection of 1-Minute Bible Love Notes features quotes or stories from Christians who serve as godly examples for us. Enjoy!

Joni Eareckson Tada knows a great deal about suffering and she encourages us to "know God by heart." This 1-minute devotion explains what she means. 

These two incredible examples of forgiveness will inspire you to call on God's power to help you forgive others. 

Ginny is a woman who has known and understood the peace of God in the midst of great hardship. Her story will encourage you! 

The Frozen Chosen

If you want a boost of encouragement, read this story of great faith which puts a very positive twist on the name "Frozen Chosen." 

The true story in this 1-minute devotion sounds like the story of Joseph, but it's a modern version and it's true. Wow! the power of forgiveness is amazing.

Father Damien made the ultimate sacrifice to help those who had no hope. This 1-minute devotion shares an encouraging glimpse of his life. 

Steve Saint's life is a godly example of faith despite great adversity. Don't miss this short devotion about a man who was baptized by the man who killed his father. 
A German pastor gave his life in opposition to what he called "Cheap Grace." This 1-minute devotion explains that cheap grace is a problem in the modern church. 

Cleaning Bathrooms

What a 17th Century Monk Can Teach Us About Jesus, humility, and Cleaning Bathrooms.

A former slave gives advice that can help all of us get out of our "selfish boxes." This 1-minute devotion explains. 

George Washington Carver was a brilliant man with a forgiving heart and deep desire to serve the Lord. He did amazing things even though he was born a slave. 

The incredible story of Louis Braille, who made it possible for blind people to read. Faith & Sight working together. 

This former slave changed the United States by his prayer to unlock the secrets of the universe. This 1-minute devotion explains.

This true story will give you great encouragement to forgive those who have hurt you.

Check out this short devotion about a man who had incredible faith and changed the lives of thousands of orphans. 

A short devotion explaining one American woman's big feet led to the salvation of many Chinese women and stopped the cruel practice of foot-binding.

Known for his reckless abandon on the mission field C.T. Studd had a rare and godly respect for his mother.

An incredible story....God spoke to this remote tribe and told them the nationality of the person who would share the Gospel with them!! 

Jonathan Goforth had a name that reflected his life. You'll find his perseverance inspiring.

You'll be inspired by this true story of God's Love destroying the evil hatred of a man during the Boxer Revolution in China.

Oswald Chambers, well know for his devotional "My Utmost for His Highest" never actually wrote a word of his devotions. You'll be blessed to find out why.

Francis Asbury was a circuit-riding preacher whose life will inspire you. 

Jonathan Goforth, a missionary to China in the late 1800's went blind....or did he? 

Rachel Saint was faced with a choice at a young age: a life of luxury or hardships in the Jungles of Ecuador. 

Danger, Death, Devotion
This 1-minute devotion shares a story of devotion in the lives of men who few will ever hear about. 

It seemed unlikely that this small, red-haired, fair-skinned Scottish woman would survive in Africa in the 1800's. Her life will amaze you!

Lillian Trasher was a young woman alone in Egypt and God used her powerfully.
Steve Saint's father had been martyred. A young man in Mali was suffering for his faith. Their meeting was a divine appointment. Read why.
As we prepare to face new Challenges as Christians, let's remember the sacrificial faith of others who have gone before us. This devotion offers an excellent example.

Joni Eareckson Tada
 The 4 devotions below share elements from the life of Joni. She's a woman who sees hardship and suffering through the lens of God's purposes and love.

Joni suffered a life-altering accident over 40 years ago, and she "celebrates" the anniversary in a way that displays both her incredible faith and also her sense of humor.

Joni Eareckson Tada has an incredible testimony even though it doesn't involve perfect physical healing. Be encouraged by this 1-minute devotion. 

Inhale His Presence

Advice from someone who has wrestled with the Mysteries of Suffering, Pain, and God's Sovereignty. 
Let Joni encourage you with these biblical truths about suffering.
You might be surprised how much of Joseph's life can help you deal with difficulties, challenges, and injustice in your own life.
This collection of 20+ devotions encourages you to look at the biblical example of Joseph. There is so much we can learn about faith through his life story.

This collection of 1-minute devotions inspires and challenges us with glimpses into the lives of past and modern saints who boldly live their faith in Jesus.

This collection of 1-minute devotions inspires and challenges us with glimpses into the lives of past and modern saints who boldly live their faith in Jesus.

This collection of 1-minute devotions inspires and challenges us with glimpses into the lives of past and modern saints who boldly live their faith in Jesus.

This collection of 1-minute devotions inspires and challenges us with glimpses into the lives of past and modern saints who boldly live their faith in Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this list; I'll work my way through it someday!
    Meanwhile, a small typo to correct: the link on this page adds an S to the surname in the link for C.T. Studd.
