This Election Biblical Principles Are at Stake

Michael Purath clarifies some political views shared by Bible Love Notes.

Gail asked me to share my thoughts and concerns regarding the upcoming election with our readers, so here goes...

As Gail wrote in Leadership in Scripture, we believe God uses all sorts of leaders—good, bad, and mediocre. We are not promoting the belief that Trump or anyone else is “God's Chosen.” We don't pretend to be election prophets. 

But we don't need to be prophets to know God's chosen views on abortion and LGBTQ issues. All we need to do is believe what God clearly teaches in His Word.

If Gail and I were voting for the candidate and not the platform, we couldn't vote for either. Neither Harris nor Trump reflect our values in their personal lives. But we aren't voting for a pastor, a neighbor, a dictator, or a king/queen. We are voting for a platform. And the platforms put forth are confirmed by voting records and legislation. 

Gail and I have strong views about a number of political subjects. But you won't find any of those discussed on Bible Love Notes unless they are subjects directly addressed in Scripture. We have chosen to concentrate on the two subjects that most seriously affect our country: LGBTQ issues (especially the promotion of transgender transitioning for underage children) and the promotion of unlimited abortion.

We are deeply disappointed in the compromised stand of the Republican party in this election. Gail has written about several of the things that are troubling. 

The Republican party says nothing about LGBTQ lifestyles. And Gail and I are disappointed because the platform no longer seeks a federal law against abortion. We believe the Republicans are no longer pro-life. Instead, they are mildly proabortion, but they are still allowing limitations at the state level which will definitely save babies' lives and save women from lifelong regret. 

Democrats agree that the Republican platform will save many babies' lives, but they are angry about it. They never describe the situation truthfully because they know how evil it actually is. So instead of saying many babies will be saved, they say, "Many women will be denied the basic human right of necessary health care." 

Regarding LGBTQ issues, we are not in favor of mistreating LGBTQ persons, but we are concerned with the way their lifestyles are promoted and favored in government and education programs, especially in the way that the Democrats have officially promoted trans surgeries and drugs for underage children. 

American politics includes lots of exaggerations, half-truths, and outright lies. We could point out examples on both sides of the aisle. But our concern is abortion and LGBTQ issues. 

Harris has made the claim that Democrats are not in favor of abortion up to the day of delivery. But their platform and voting record prove otherwise. See Be Sure You Fully Understand This Fact.

Bible Love Notes is not pro-Trump. We are pro-life and pro-Christian values regarding sexuality.

Michael Purath clarifies some political views shared by Bible Love Notes.
Our goal is to speak out about these two issues that severely mock the character and commands of our Lord. 

See God's View of Homosexuality and What Scripture Says about Abortion for clear scriptural evidence that God holds strong views on these subjects and He expects us to do the same.
So let's set aside both Democrat and Republican personalities and rhetoric and focus on their official platforms, proposed legislation, and voting records. 

If you have seriously considered these issues biblically and feel you can vote for neither party, we respect your opinion although we don't agree with it. If you vote for the Democrat platform, you are denying your faith in some very essential areas, and we feel God has called us to exhort you to repent.

Michael Purath
(written with my wife's help because I'm not a writer)
Michael is a retired Army LTC who has been involved in ministry since his retirement thirty years ago. He oversees the ministry of Bible Love Notes and is active in local ministry in his community.

Michael Purath clarifies some political views shared by Bible Love Notes.



  1. Hi. My town is going to vote on alcohol by the drink soon and I was curious about your thoughts on this. Some of the churches are against it and are campaigning saying God is against it. Could you give your thoughts on this please?

    1. Hi Curious,
      I'm not sure exactly what you mean by voting on alcohol by the drink, but I assume you are living in a dry county and they are voting to allow alcohol.

      Alcohol is an area where Christians disagree. The Bible clearly condemns drunkenness, but there isn't actually anything in Scripture that says drinking alcohol is sinful. However, certain denominations and certain Christians believe it's sinful.

      I believe this is a Romans 14 area where we can respect each others' differences.
      I hope that helps answer your question.

  2. Why are issues in the forefront of a persona moral character. If a leader is deceptive and evil how can anything good come from this. Is not peoples basic needs, welfare and democracy more important. I've struggled with this in elections and I don't feel right in my soul and spirit to vote republican this election. Too much is at stake in our freedoms to allow a dictator who is self serving to take over. I'm actually fearful of him getting in office and how he can change our democracy.

    1. Hi Concerned,
      Our country and our lives will be affected by the platform a leader and his/her party promote. Our President cannot make laws without Congressional and Supreme Court approval. The U.S. is a representative democracy which means that our President has influence, but he/she doesn't decide our laws.

      A President's character is extremely important, but not nearly as important as his party platform. Both Harris and Trump have lied, but their platforms have remained the same. Their platforms are written and approved by their parties.

      If you believe the Democrats care more about people's basic needs, welfare, and democracy than the Republicans, I encourage you to look into the Democrat platform that proudly and loudly promotes the murder of millions of unborn and born babies. And I encourage you to look into the laws promoted by the Democrats that demand that doctors be allowed to cut off the genitals of underage children who aren't even old enough to decide their bedtime.

      Nothing the Republicans are proposing is worse than those things.

      If you are voting for the character of the candidate, you can't vote for either candidate. Both have expressed desires that mock God's laws. If you think God looks at Trump's sins but overlooks Harris' demand for unlimited abortion, you don't understand God's heart.

      Most importantly, if you really believe American law allows a President to be a dictator, you have been sadly duped by Democrat propaganda, and I encourage you to pray about it. It's a dangerous place to be.
