
♥ Heart Devotions ♥

A wonderful collection of 1-minute devotions about Hearts! God's heart, our hearts, broken hearts, whole hearts. Enjoy!

These 1-minute devotions all address ourπŸ’™ hearts. May they challenge, correct, encourage, and inspire you! 

πŸ’™πŸ  A beautiful analogy comparing our hearts to a house where we welcome Christ and sometimes ignore Him. Inspiring! 
πŸ’™ Psalm 33 offers 14 reasons to be grateful. This 1-minute devotion lists them.

πŸ’™ This short devotion highlights Psalm 26:2 with a variety of translations and creative journaling. 
πŸ’™ Our world worships fame and fortune, but God designed our hearts for something better. this 1-minute devotion encourages us to guard our hearts.

πŸ’™ Do you know the first time the word heart is used in Scripture? It's significant. this 1-minute devotion explains.  
πŸ’™ Do you know what the Bible means when it uses the word "Heart"? This 1-minute devotion explains.

5 Reasons God Searches Hearts – 2 Chronicles 16:9
πŸ’™ God searches hearts….yours and mine. This 1-minute devotion explains 5 areas that God does His searching.

Knowing God’s Word By Heart
πŸ’™ Do you know what it means to know God’s Word “by heart”? It's more than memorizing words, although that's part of it. This 1-minute devotion explains.

πŸ’™ Do you know of three ways to guard your heart so you can deal biblically in your relationships?

Our Hearts Are At Home With the Lord – Luke 12:34
πŸ’™ Luke, Psalms, and Proverbs offer some great insights about what it means to have our hearts resting in God’s Love. This 1-minute devotion explains. 

A Pagan Culture and Impossible Odds
πŸ’™ A Story of a Pagan Culture and "Impossible" Odds Moab was known for their vile pagan gods. How could someone raised in such a culture find truth? This 1-minute devotion explains. 

πŸ’™ Do you know what it means to "Hide God's Word in you? This 1-minute devotion gives you some great ideas!! 
πŸ’” These verses can bring us great comfort and healing from our loving Lord.

God’s Broken Heart or Mine?
πŸ’” Scriptures tells us that certain things broke Joseph’s heart, Daniel’s heart, and Paul’s heart. I wonder if those same things break our hearts?

Whose Heart Desires?
πŸ’™ I saw "Psalm37:4" on a Jaguar license plate and it inspired this 1-minute devotion.

Written on Baby Hearts
πŸ’™ Don’t you love when science proves the Bible’s accuracy? This happened in a study featured on 60 Minutes. Using puppets, researchers proved something biblical about babies aged 6-10 months old.

Let Your Heartaches Heal – Give Them to God
πŸ’”Some heartaches leave scars, but even scars can make us stronger, when we let God heal them and then use them as described in 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. 

Hearts vs. Faces
πŸ’™ The Wall Street Journal reports that "good looking people are favored for hiring and earn higher salaries than their less attractive colleagues." Do you know God’s definition of good looking people? 

Sometimes We Miss Seeing A Man’s Heart
πŸ’™ Samuel arrived to anoint the next king of Israel. He assumed it was Eliab, the tall, handsome oldest brother. But God said something wonderful and unexpected. This 1-minute devotion explains.

πŸ’™ Science confirms this Bible passage and we need to believe it whole-heartedly. It’s a wonderful promise!! 
πŸ’™ "Trust Your Heart" is a popular slogan. This 1-minute devotion explains why it isn't a biblical statement.
πŸ’™ What would you call your quiet time? This 1-minute devotion explains why we might want to call it something new. What do you think?
πŸ’™ Have you ever thought about the word hide in this verse? Typically we think of hiding as a way of concealing something from others, but Psalm 119:11 isn't talking about concealment.  
πŸ’™ This 1-minute devotion explains how God is working each day in your heart and mine. Be encouraged!! 

πŸ’™ Most Christians know Proverbs 3:5 by heart: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart" But do you know that the surrounding verses add powerful, succinct truths - easy to grasp, but not always easy to apply. 
πŸ’™ This 1-minute devotion addresses the popular saying "Follow your heart" and compares it to Proverbs 4:23.
πŸ’™ Do you understand what it means to love God with these 4 aspects of our being? This 1-minute devotion explains.

πŸ’™ Matthew 5 says the pure in heart will see God. This 1-minute devotion explains what that means.

πŸ’™It's good to take steps to prevent physical heart disease, and even more important to take these steps to prevent spiritual heart disease. 

πŸ’™ What does it really mean for someone to be a man or woman "after God's own heart"? This devotion explains. 

πŸ’™ What do King David and King Saul have to do with a daughter-in-law and mother-in-law? This devotion explains. 
A wonderful collection of 1-minute devotions about Hearts! God's heart, our hearts, broken hearts, whole hearts. Enjoy!


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