Remembering the spirit behind 9/11

The spirit behind 9-11 goes back thousands of years. This devotion explains.

Have you ever wondered why Christianity is more despised than Islam even though Islam has inspired violence throughout history? 

People try to separate radical groups like Hamas from true Islam, but violence is commanded in the teachings of Allah and violence is represented in the lifestyle of their most revered prophet, Muhammad.*

As we remember "9/11" we need to realize that it is one in a long line of modern Islamic atrocities (see modern examples).

Most Muslims are kind and peaceful people, but the core teachings of Islam are a contradictory mixture of moral teachings interspersed with commands to kill non-Muslims. 

Sadly, peaceful Muslims are rarely willing to acknowledge the intolerance and violence in Islamic theology (source). 

But the evidence is clear: for example, the Qur’an commands Muslims to fight “the People of the Book” (i.e. Christians) and kill them if they don’t convert (Q 9:29-30). For more violent passages from the Qur’an, see Islam Is a Religion of Violence.

Violence is also present in Muslim teachings on marriage. The Qur’an allows men to beat their wives into submission (Q 4:34 Hilali-Khan), and female genital mutilation is a common practice in Muslim cultures. 

Christians are constantly discredited for our belief in biblical submission, but we rarely hear anyone discredit these Muslim attitudes toward women.

Because Satan creates false religions and controls the minds of unbelievers (John 10:10; 2 Corinthians 4:4), causing them to hate the true and loving God and protect and exalt false gods.

As we remember the tragedy of 9/11, let's:

✔ Pray for the salvation of Muslims. 
✔ Pray that people would quit sugar-coating the evil of Islamic teachings.
✔ Pray for former Muslims who've followed Christ and now face rejection, violence, and sometimes murder by their own family members (one example). 


Are you aware that hundreds of French churches are being “quietly burned or damaged—in deliberate attacks.… Judging by the graffiti left behind in these attacks, a mix of ideologies appear to be behind them, ranging from those of anarchists, militant secularists, and radical Muslims, to even that of a small contingent of self-proclaimed Satanists” (source). Some of these churches were hundreds of years old, having survived multiple wars, but anti-Christian hatred has destroyed them.

Are you aware that Europe is being overwhelmed by a problem with rape, largely due to Muslim migrants, but officials hide the nationalities involved fearing charges of racism? For example, in Rotherham, England, 1400 girls were raped and trafficked by Pakistani Muslim gangs (source, 2023, source, 2024, BBC, 2024). I offer these three resources because you will find sources on the internet that deny that these rapes involved particular ethnic groups.

See also The Influx of Immigrants into Europe and the Increase in Sexual Violence, the review of a book written by a woman who was raised Muslim and now advocates for women's rights, exposing the mistreatment she received as a Muslim woman before escaping from her family. Or listen to her 5-minute video on YouTube: Is Islam a Religion of Peace.

People fear calling Islam to account because they fear revenge. But they have no fear of discrediting Christianity because we are taught to love our enemies, not kill them. 

✔ If someone claims Christianity is violent based on Old Testament wars, respond with the truths in this one-minute devotion: Were Old Testament Wars the Same as Muslim Jihad?

✔ If someone claims Christians are violent based on the Crusades, respond with the truths in this one-minute devotion: Half-Truths about the Crusades

✔ If someone claims that Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet, respond with the truths in this one-minute devotion: Why Muslims Can't Believe Jesus was a Prophet

It is difficult to find accurate information about the origins and legacy of Islam because Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers (2 Corinthians 4:4). The internet is filled with more pro-Muslim propaganda than with accurate information. But Christians should be aware that the core teachings of Islam are a contradictory mixture of moral teachings interspersed with teachings promoting violence. And their most revered prophet Muhammad was a man of violence.

Besides the resources linked in this article, I also used the book, MUSLIM: What You Need to Know About the World’s Fastest Growing Religion, by Hank Hanegraaff, Thomas Nelson, 2017.

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The spirit behind 9-11 goes back thousands of years. This devotion explains.

The spirit behind 9-11 goes back thousands of years. This devotion explains.

The spirit behind 9-11 goes back thousands of years. This devotion explains.



  1. A a very informative article. Perhaps this took you courage too, to speak out against Islam. I'm glad you did. Thank you Gail.

    1. Thanks, Bev. I hadn't realized some of these things until I did my research. I'm so glad it was helpful.

  2. Muhammed was also a paedophile, he married a girl who was only six but praise the Lord he didn't consumate the marriage until she was nine.

    1. Yes, Hazel, you're correct. There are a few sources which deny this, but there seems to be overwhelming evidence that he married his wife Aisha when she was six and consummated the marriage when she was nine.
