My Story Books

This is a simple craft - anyone can do it. It's inexpensive, fun, and it makes a great conversation piece and a great way to share your testimony. #Books #Craft

I thank God that He is in the Master Storyteller, and I thank Him for the many stories He's written into my life. Seeing God's hand and plan in my life is one reason this project was so meaningful for me. 

It's something I enjoy and also a conversation piece that might start a discussion about the Lord.

You'll need old books, something you can re-purpose from a thrift shop, library book sale, or even from your bookcase.

This is a simple craft - anyone can do it. It's inexpensive, fun, and it makes a great conversation piece and a great way to share your testimony. #Books #Craft
 Paint the covers with acrylic paint, I chose to do all of mine in off white, but you can make them as colorful as you like or make them fit the decor where you plan to display them.

This is a simple craft - anyone can do it. It's inexpensive, fun, and it makes a great conversation piece and a great way to share your testimony. #Books #Craft
I wanted varied sizes of books, but you can make yours all the same size, if you prefer.

This is a simple craft - anyone can do it. It's inexpensive, fun, and it makes a great conversation piece and a great way to share your testimony. #Books #Craft
I thought of titles that described different aspects of my life, picked fonts I liked, and ran them off.  For those who are interested these are the "stories" behind my titles:

1. Teen-Age Bride--I was married at 19 to my high school sweetheart. We were married in 1970, so you can do the math. 😉

2. The Soldier's Wife--my husband was a career Army officer (22 years taking us all over the U.S. and Germany), and I loved the life. We met so many interesting people and saw so much of this big world! 🌎

3. Better Than Gold at Fort Knox--When we were stationed at Fort Knox (where gold is also stored), I was introduced to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and I became a Christ-follower. This is my most important book because it means my name is written in the most important book of all time, the BOOK OF LIFE (Luke 10:20; Revelation 20:11-13). 💙

This is a simple craft - anyone can do it. It's inexpensive, fun, and it makes a great conversation piece and a great way to share your testimony. #Books #Craft

4. All Things Work for Good--This is God's promise to Christ-followers: Romans 8:28. When we know Jesus, even the bad things work for good. My life has had sadness, sorrow, pain and sickness, but the longer my journey, the more easily I see how all things, even the most difficult, have worked for my good--made me stronger, more understanding, more forgiving, less self-righteous. 

5. Still Crazy in Love--Our marriage has weathered a great many storms, and I'm more deeply in love with my husband now than when I married him. Who said teen-aged marriages don't work? 😊

This is a simple craft - anyone can do it. It's inexpensive, fun, and it makes a great conversation piece and a great way to share your testimony. #Books #Craft

There's probably a better way to do this next step, but I did it this way: 
1. I taped the titles where I wanted them on the book spines.
2. With a pen, I outlined the letters, pressing hard.

This is a simple craft - anyone can do it. It's inexpensive, fun, and it makes a great conversation piece and a great way to share your testimony. #Books #Craft

3. Then I traced (in pencil) the impressions my pen outlines had left.

This is a simple craft - anyone can do it. It's inexpensive, fun, and it makes a great conversation piece and a great way to share your testimony. #Books #Craft
 4. Finally, I used permanent marker to trace over and fill in the letters.

This is a simple craft - anyone can do it. It's inexpensive, fun, and it makes a great conversation piece and a great way to share your testimony. #Books #Craft

This is a simple craft - anyone can do it. It's inexpensive, fun, and it makes a great conversation piece and a great way to share your testimony. #Books #Craft

 I'd love to have you leave a comment and tell me what your five titles would be if you made a book collection of your life.

And please check out my home page that features devotions that take only one minute to read. Why not sign up for a free subscription on the top right sidebar!

And let me tell you about a different hardcover book - the devotional I wrote that has 100 one-minute devotions from Psalms and Proverbs. You can read the first 4 devotions by clicking "look inside" on AmazonRead the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. And find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE.

This is a simple craft - anyone can do it. It's inexpensive, fun, and it makes a great conversation piece and a great way to share your testimony. #Books #Craft

This is a simple craft - anyone can do it. It's inexpensive, fun, and it makes a great conversation piece and a great way to share your testimony. #Books #Craft


  1. Wow! ~ What a very creative idea and so well done ~ lovely! ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

    Consider linking up with my blog hop Magical Monday Meme ~ love to have you and your creative ideas ~ ^_^
    Titles I might have for books, SPIRIT, TAO, PEACE and SERENITY, LOVE, LIVE

    1. It's fun to hear people's book titles. Thanks for sharing yours. I'm traveling this week, so didn't get a chance to hook up with Magical Monday...maybe next week. Thanks.

  2. Pretty! And such a great conversation starter to point people to God and what He's done in your life.

    Carly @

    1. Just got these finished, so it will be fun to see what others think of them when they visit my home.

  3. Such a lovely idea, and I enjoyed learning the story behind each title :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Always encouraging for me to hear what others think.

  4. What a lovely project. Love the books in the hand bookends. If I had to do titles on books mine may be..The Book of Job (LOL do I need to explain).....Endless Love ( my CarGuy and I have been together since we were 17!)......Little Cabin in the Woods (our home and the trials and tribulations of building and keeping it)......Animal House (1 dog, 6cats, and the various critters that visit)

    1. Love you book titles...serious and funny and everything in between. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I love how this looks!! Great idea to come up with book names that represent your life.

    I'm so glad you linked up at Romance on a Dime this week!!

  6. Hi Gail - such a great idea. Almost a place to look and remember the stepping stones and remember God's role in them and testify. Great talking point.
    God bless

    1. Thanks, Tracy. Yes, I just finished these before we flew to Hungary so I haven't had much feedback yet, but I look forward to seeing what people think when they visit and hearing their book didn't share yours : )

  7. What a wonderful it!!! My book titles would be questions...."why", "now what??", and of course...."thank you"....

    1. Great can have the same book covers but everyone's titles would be so different...Your question titles would spur others to ask questions, I'm sure : )

  8. What a great idea, I love this! I love the idea of using different things about your life as book titles... hmm makes me think about what I would name my "books". Thanks for sharing!

  9. Oh wow!! I LOVE this project. I love how you made your very own books!! Beautiful decor. Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!

    1. Thanks so much. High praise coming from you, Alison. Blessings!

  10. Squeee! how cute is that!?
    I'm commenting per the weekend hop,

    come visit me at

  11. What a cool idea! My titles: My Father is King, Counting My Blessings, Still Holding On, What's Next?, Bring it On. How fun, thanks for sharing, I'm now following!

    1. Hi Lorrie,
      Love your titles, especially "Bring it on" : ) Thanks for sharing them

  12. Your project was AWESOME! Thanks for sharing - you've been featured (again!) at Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy!

    Create With Joy

    1. Thanks so much for featuring me...I so appreciate the encouragement!

  13. Love this idea! Don't know if I will follow through, but my titles would be: Blessed More Than I Deserve! ( God has been so good to me and my family) Books, Books and More Books (I am a School Librarian) Still My Best Friend (My Husband and I have been married for 36 years) and Come For a Visit (we have 3 married children and 5 grandsons! And lots of other relatives. And we love visiting with friends)

  14. What an wonderful idea! I think I would have to have "From the Deep" (coming to find Christ), "Found Again" (I lost my way but have found the Lord again), "With Love" (the way I do things for my family & friends), "And then there was..." (next steps), and I think i'd have to leave the last title for much later, or perhaps have "This is now", so I could record the now of my life, my walk with Him & what it means to me, what He's asked me to focus on. Does that make sense?
    Thanks for this post. I might have to share it.

    1. I love hearing your titles. And they make great sense! Thanks so much for sharing them.

  15. So did you choose the same light color for all the books to make the titles easier to read? Just wondering.

    1. I actually experimented with one book first painting it solid blue. I didn't like how it looked...too fake. Then I decided to try to wash some of the blue off to give it a washed-out vintage look, and it was too much water...the cover curled. And it also didn't look great.
      Then I decided I wanted the books to look good in any room and with any decor, so the off-white and black seemed best. But I definitely could have made different colored titles without a problem.
      I think multi-color covers would look great...I just didn't perfect the process for that, and then decided it wasn't what I wanted anyway.
      Thanks for stopping by.

  16. Lovely Idea! I have some old books and trying this out!!! Thanks for sharing at Create & Inspire!


  17. Love this idea & so meaningful! Congratulations on your 41 years of marriage! Hopped over from Heart & Home and happy to be your newest follower. Would love to have you stop by for a visit and follow me back. Blessings ~ Judy

  18. This is a very cool idea! Loving the different font types you went with. Creative lady indeed.

  19. Very creative. Thanks for sharing!

    Please join us again Thursday at:
    The HomeAcre Hop


  20. I love this idea! As an avid book reader, I have a ton of hard back books I can re-purpose. Also, as an artist, there is a product called graphite and it's sold at craft stores. I use it to transfer things to walls when I paint a mural. I think it will work well for transferring the titles. :)

    1. I need to look for the graphite if I do this again. Great idea, dear friend : )
