A Behind-the-Scenes Christian Who Sacrificially Served the Gospel

You probably will never hear much about this behind-the-scenes lady, but she was a blessing to God's kingdom.
Miss Wetherford was superintendent of a girls' school in the late 1800's. When she heard of Rowland Bingham's mission work in Africa, she told him she had once offered herself for mission work but her church turned her down. 

“Since that time, I have been living for missions,” she said. 

Wetherford had saved everything she earned beyond what she needed for her bare necessities. And she'd also saved a small inheritance she'd received. 

When she gave it all to Bingham, he told her he couldn't take her last dollar. What if she had needs? 

“But what else can I do with it, Mr. Bingham? I feel God has earmarked it for you, so I cannot keep it for myself, can I?”  

Sometimes we underestimate the faith of “behind-the-scenes” Christians like this woman. She served the Lord sacrificially, and her words speak across the centuries, convicting us to examine our own hearts for the lost.

“Then Jesus explained: ‘My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work. You know the saying, “Four months between planting and harvest.” But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest. The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike!’” John 4:34-36 

Let's make sure we are doing whatever God calls us to do, being willing to sacrifice time and resources for the harvest of souls.


Read more about Rowland Bingham: Did They Die for No Reason? And read of another woman like Miss Wetherford: In God's Economy, Sometimes Less Is More.

This is a true story from Rowland Bingham, Into Africa's Interior by Janet and Geoff Benge

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You probably will never hear much about this behind-the-scenes lady, but she was a blessing to God's kingdom.



  1. What a nice slice of history you shared! Thank you ~

  2. I really enjoyed this devotion. I don't think we are thinking and sacrificing enough for missions these days. Your audio devotions are done so well and I love the relaxing and friendly sound of your voice.

  3. Yes, yes, Gail. The fields are white and ready for harvest. But we're wasting lots of time on things that don't matter and burning up energy on boards, committees, meetings, and etc.

    Dear God ... give us discerning hearts and clear-visioned eyes. Amen!

  4. If you can't do it yourself, put it into the hands of the ones who can!!!
