
Quiet Time Tips

These 1-minute devotions encourage us to improve our Quiet time and draw closer to the Lord.

You can stop feeling guilty about not having a good quiet time and start finding practical ways to make your time with the Lord more regular and enjoyable. If you finish reading these and want to read more, check out the larger collection of Quiet Time Tips.

Continuing Education
This 1-minute devotion encourages us to continue our "education" in Christ and offers 3 steps for doing this.

What's in a Name: Quiet Time 
This 1-minute challenges you to think about the name "Quiet Time" and asks you to give your opinion. This isn't a heavy question....such for fun and worth pondering.
Does Timing Matter?  
There are well-meaning folks who claim that we must have it at a certain time or our day won’t be blessed. This 1-minute devotion explains what Scripture says. May it encourage you to meet with God during the best time for you.

Don't let your Quiet Time become Rigid and Dry  
Try some of the ideas in this short devotion and make it fresh and meaningful.

Quiet Time Guilt 
If you are struggling with “quiet time guilt” – feeling guilty because you’re neglecting your quiet time, quit beating yourself up! This 1-minute devotion will encourage you!
Spice Up Your Quiet Time 
Sometimes our quiet times get stale and bland. This 1-minute devotion offers 6 ideas for "spicing up" your quiet time.

5 Benefits of a Coffee Date with Jesus  
5 Roles Jesus Plays in Our Lives And Why We Should "Meet Him For Coffee!"

3 Ways to Focus on Jesus when You're Busy 
Quick, easy, practical ways to add more Jesus to your busy day.
Why Quiet Time is Not Always the Best Name 
The Psalms offers a balanced and varied look at time with the Lord. This 1-minute devotion explains why it's not necessarily good to call it a "Quiet" time. 

Better than Morning Coffee   
Coffee has some great benefits for our health and well-being, but Scripture is even better. Compare these lists.

These 1-minute devotions encourage us to improve our Quiet time and draw closer to the Lord.

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