
Devotion Series

These are series of one-minute devotions addressing specific subjects.

Check out these series of 1-minute devotions:

Are You Willing to Address Scriptural Concerns in The Chosen?

This collection of articles addresses biblical errors in The Chosen and false beliefs promoted by the producer Dallas Jenkins. If you're watching The Chosen, it's important that you objectively discern and acknowledge its errors.


John 1: Christ's Deity, the Trinity, The Logos

This three part series explains 3 key elements in the character and nature of Christ.

Prepared for Persecution

These devotions warn remnant Christians that we are under great pressure to conform. They offer encouragement and reminders to help us prepare.

The Real Jesus versus the Fake Jesus

This 5-part series explains how our culture, including some believers, have created a "Jesus" who doesn't resemble the Jesus of the Bible. It warns us to see the differences and make sure we are serving the real Jesus.

I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel

A series on Romans 1:16-32 and its relevance to our present culture. It contains some important truths and significant warnings.

The Biblical View of Healing

There are so many confused teachings about healing. This series addresses some basic truths from Scripture. 


This series discusses the biblical way to deal with persecution.
  The Prayer Series.
  This series addresses various 
  aspects of our prayer life with 
 practical ways to improve it.


Seeking 20/20 Spiritual Vision in 2020
A series of 1-minute devotions addressing various aspects of our "spiritual vision."

  1-minute devotions addressing 
  the 4 types of people described 
 in the Parable of the Sower

Examining Yoga Biblically
A series of thought-provoking articles to help Christians evaluate the nature of yoga, each offering resources from well-know Christian teachers.

   Starting with Eve, this 
  series  describes the first 6 sins 
  recorded in the Bible and how
  they apply to us today.

Trojan Horse Lies
This series discusses some lies that have infiltrated the church.
   A series of 1-Minute Bible
  Love  Notes addressing some of 
  the unusual or difficult sayings 
  of Christ.

Half-Truths that Many Christians Believe
These devotions uncover some popular half-truths that many Christians believe.

   This  series offers an 
  explanation of each of the 8

Inner Beauty 
This series of 1-minute devotions addresses the biblical view of inner beauty versus external beauty.

    This series addresses  
   several aspects of Rahab's 
   conversion and rescue from the
   wicked city of Jericho.

Concise Commands   
These 1-minute devotions capture the power and truth in 3 passages from 1 Thessalonians 5.

   This story From Acts 8 offers 
   7 vivid illustrations of gospel 
  truths. You'll be amazed at how 
  rich and meaningful it is!

The Example of Ruth.
This series is from the Old Testament book of Ruth which tells the interesting story of this Moabite widow who ended up in the linage of Christ. It encourages us to apply the principles from Ruth's life to our own lives. 


Ideas for Improving our Well-Being.

This series addresses things which keep our body, soul, and spirit healthy as Christians: what we read, write, create, etc.


The Fool Series

This series comes from the book of Proverbs. It identifies various aspects of foolishness and warns us to avoid them. 


This series discusses the wonderful benefits of a merry heart. Read it and remember the value of smiles and laughter.


Be Prepared Collection

This series tackles some of the tough questions about God like "How Can you Trust the Bible?" and "Why Did God Destroy Entire Nations? 


Identifying False Teachings

This series offers some common methods used by false Bible teachers who misuse Scripture to make false claims.

3 Results of Prayer

This series of 4 devotions addresses 3 things that can happen when we pray about something or someone. I pray it is encouraging to you and to your prayer life.

We Need It

This series addresses some essential elements of our faith in Christ. Things that Christians need ... and things that Christians need to understand.



9 Things that Can Steal Your Peace

A 4-Part Series including 3 short Bite Size Bible studies. It addresses 9 things that cause many of us to lose our peace, giving in to worry and discouragement.

Many Aspects of Fearing God

These 1-minute devotions explore the many aspects of the healthy fear of God.

Dying to Self, Living for Christ

These devotions share these aspects of our faith: Persecution, new Purposes, Purity, and Perspective.

What's Your Evangelism Style?

These devotions encourage you to share Christ according to your own personality and your own style. 

The 10 Commandments

Devotions that explain important aspects of these 10 important commandments, nine of which are re-commanded in the New Testament.

Misunderstandings about God's Love

God's love is wonderful, but there's a great deal of confusion about the nature of His love. These devotions address some common misunderstandings.

Examining The Shack book and movie

These articles reveal the author's false beliefs and the way his beliefs are found in the book.

Mary and Martha

This is a short collection of one-minute devotions about Mary and Martha, offering insights into some interesting Bible truths.

9 Disciplines that Help Us Mature in Christ

This series develops the 9 disciplines mentioned in Psalm 119:9-16.

A wonderful devotion packed with Scripture and concise, powerful devotions.

💙  If you enjoy these concise, Scripture-packed devotions, I encourage you to check out Wisdom for Life, a hardback devotional containing 100 one-minute devotions from Psalms and Proverbs. It's priced lower than many paperbacks!

These are series of one-minute devotions addressing specific subjects. These titles are a small sampling.

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