In John 9:13-16 some Pharisees bashed Jesus and insulted the man He'd healed of blindness, claiming Jesus could not represent God.
But other Pharisees said, “How can a sinner perform such signs?”
When Christians use the word pharisee, it's synonymous with greed, hypocrisy, legalism, and empty religion.
But not all Pharisees were the same. I was reminded of this while studying John 3. I'd never thought about the fact that a humble Pharisee was the first man to hear Christ's
most well-known quote: John 3:16.
In John 3:1-21 the Pharisee Nicodemus came at night to ask Jesus questions. The majority of his fellow-Pharisees would have been shocked if they knew he'd done this. But he was open and listening, and Christ spoke life-changing words to him.
Later in John 7:14-52, the Pharisees wanted to silence Jesus by arresting him, but Nicodemus said they weren't being fair.
Finally in John 19:38-42, Nicodemus proved his love and respect for Jesus by helping Joseph of Arimathea give Jesus a proper burial after His crucifixion.
Sometimes, Christians who speak up for God's truth are falsely compared to Pharisees. If this happens to you, why not say “thank-you” and tell them about Nicodemus.
See A One-Liner Pharisees Love Using for additional truths about this subject.
This is the last in a series of six one-minute devotions based on John 9. If you'd like to read the full series, see Important Truths from John 9.
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