The Bible is like an ocean that’s shallow enough for children to wade in but deep enough for adults to swim.(1)
Small children can understand enough of the gospel to make a genuine profession of faith. But the truths of God are deep and abundant, and no matter how long we’re saved, there’s always something new and wonderful to learn.
I have a master's degree from seminary, but I’ve learned far more from life and personal study than I learned getting my degree. And no matter how deeply I dive into God's Word, I never reach the bottom.
The knowledge of God is more valuable than any other knowledge. It’s eternally important.
Let’s never underestimate the benefits of studying God’s Word, teaching it accurately, and letting it transform our hearts.
So, let’s put on our scuba gear and dive deep into God's Word!
It dwells in us: Colossians 3:16
It’s eternal: Isaiah 40:8
It’s God-breathed: 2 Timothy 3:16
It’s a light that guides us: Psalm 119:105
It helps us stop sinning: Psalm 119:11
Well, I could go on and on, but this is a one-minute devotion and it would take me a book to fully describe it.
I encourage you to read: We Need It: God's Word and We Need It: More of God's Word.
(1) I heard a similar analogy about wading and swimming in God's Word years ago, but I'm not sure of the source.
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