The Main Reason People Reject Christ

Do you know the thing that prevents the most people from accepting Christ? Love for money? Pride? Bitterness? This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

What's man's greatest reason for rejecting Christ? What draws men away from God more than any other thing? 

We've all heard that love for money is a root of evil. Does this mean it's God's greatest rival for men's hearts? 

There's no denying that love for money has ruined many souls but Scripture says "love of money is a root of all kinds of evil," not THE root (1 Timothy 6:10). 

Scripture actually teaches that man's greatest downfall is unbelief.

Unbelief kept the Israelites from the Promised Land (Hebrews 3:18-19) and caused them to:

1. Worship other Gods.
2. Behave immorally.
3. Test God.
4. Complain against God.
(1 Corinthians 10:1-11)

Modern unbelievers exhibit similar characteristics:
1. Worshiping other gods - money being one possibility.
2. Defining morality apart from God.
3. Refusing to believe in God or what He says.
4. Blaming God for evil in the world!

These characteristics flow from unbelief - doubting there's a God or doubting He means what He says (just like Eve). That is the root of all evil.

For additional thoughts on this subject see Anatomy of Temptation
and My Teeth Marks Are on that Apple.

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Do you know the thing that prevents the most people from accepting Christ? Love for money? Pride? Bitterness? This 1-minute devotion explains.




  1. I would agree that disbelief is a huge temptation... disbelief that God can provide for our needs (money), and disbelief that Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven. I think pride is a huge one too. Thanks for your post :)

  2. Doubt because the only Christ they will see first are Christians and they are not what they used to be. A poor witness is a great weakness and certainly is one cause of doubt.
