
Free Resources Available from Bible Love Notes

Collections of 1-minute devotions, information about the Bible Love Notes author, social media resources, and more!

Bible Love Notes has over 20,000 subscribers and between 100,000-200,000 page views each month, but many people are unaware of the free resources available on Bible Love Notes. Because most readers view our devotions in their email or on their phone, they don't see the full-screen view of the Bible Love Notes blog and many are unaware of the resources we offer. So here are a few you can explore:


An explanation of eternal life

Eternal Life
- An explanation of salvation. This is something you can share with an unbelieving friend.

check out Bible Love Notes devotions

Stay Connected - A short devotional and instructions for signing up for a free Bible Love Notes free subscription if you'd like a one-minute devotional in your email each weekday. 

About author of Bible Love Notes

Gail - As the author of Bible Love Notes, I share a little bit about my background and my goals for Bible Love Notes.

Devotion Series on Bible Love Notes
Devotion Series - More than 30 devotional series for personal or group Bible study. For example, the 10-part series "I am not ashamed of the gospel" or the 7-part "Healthy Prayer Life" series offering practical ways to improve your prayer life.

Devotional resources

Devotions by Subject 1 - A list of devotions arranged according to twenty-one different subjects. For example: Help During Difficult Times, Holidays, and Twisted Scriptures.

Devotions from Bible Love Notes

Devotions by Subject 2 - A second list of devotionals arranged according to thirty-six subjects, including Quiet Time Tips, Forgiveness, and Overcoming Worry.

Bible Love Notes Foreign blogs

International Ministry - Information about the seven Bible Love Notes foreign language blogs: Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Serbian, Dutch, Telugu, and Vietnamese. 
Bible Love Notes You Tube

Watch it! Links to the most recent and most popular videos on the Bible Love Notes YouTube channel. Please subscribe, and "like" the devotions you enjoy ðŸ–’ because this helps the video get more views.

Bite Size Bible Study

Check out Bite Size Bible Study
In addition to the resources on our main blog, Bite Size Bible Study is a blog dedicated to short Bible studies, adding details, insights, and full-text Scriptures for specific devotionals on Bible Love Notes. It also has a page that you might want to share with an unsaved friend: Can a Simple Misunderstanding Keep You from Heaven?  And it has seven "Archives" listing studies available: Archive 1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7. These studies are great for small group or individual study.

Bible Love Notes on Social Media

If you're on social media, you can enjoy these pages, and when you "like" 🖒 or "share" the devotions, you are helping to share God's Word.

Bible Love Notes Facebook
Bible Love Notes Facebook - This is our main page with 518,000 followers. But Facebook typically only sends our devotionals into 700-1500 followers' feeds, and they sometimes block shares for no reason. If you are on Facebook, I encourage you to like 🖒 and share BLN devotionals because it helps them reach more people!

Psalms and Proverbs Facebook

Psalms & Proverbs (160K followers) - Another Bible Love Notes page that features devotionals and images with Scriptures from Psalms and Proverbs. 

Doors of Joy in Jesus Facebook
Doors of Joy in Jesus (60K followers) - This Bible Love Notes page presents devotionals and pictures of doors with Scriptures. Why doors? Because I love doors! 

Bible Love Notes Pinterest
Bible Love Notes Pinterest Page (135K followers) - This is a great way to share Bible Love Notes devotions. Why not create a Bible Love Notes board on your Pinterest page and pin the devotions that you especially like.

💙 And while we never have and never will ask for donations at Bible Love Notes because we want to offer all of these resources free of charge, the sale of my book Wisdom for Life helps us cover the costs. And we think it's a devotional book you can enjoy again and again, so check it out! Amazon, Christianbook, and Lifeway are featuring it at great discounts. 

Collections of 1-minute devotions, information about the Bible Love Notes author, social media resources, and more!

Bible Love Notes

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