
Standing Firm Collection

This is a "bonus" Bible Love Note, a special edition with resources you can use to stand firm during these trying times in history. Consider studying these devotions with a friend, Bible study, or small group.

This is a collection of 1-minute devotions you can use to stand firm during these trying times in history.

Christians are already dealing with censorship, negative stereotypes, and persecution, and it appears we will be facing stronger challenges in the near future. Let's gird up our faith with God's truth!
These 1-minute devotions encourage us to stand firm.
The Apostle Paul exhibited 4 important qualities that helped him stand firm in trying times. This 1-minute devotion explains.

David stood firm and overcame great enemies because he understood 3 things. 
This situation calls for a choice, a choice you may never have to make. But it would do you good to ponder your answer.
We may be called hateful or old-fashioned, but Christ will call us faithful. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Some professing Christians are accommodating culture by distorting the Word of God. This 1-minute devotion explains Paul's mission in this regard.
Hypocrisy … persecution … hatred … intolerance. This devotion offers 5 biblical responses to an increasing problem for Christians.

Rob Bell … Josh Harris … well-known Christian teachers and preachers are abandoning their faith. This 1-minute devotion offers 3 reasons why this can never shake the faith of genuine believers.
Paul talks about the price he and others have paid for faith, and it's both inspiring and challenging. This 1-minute devotion explains.
Our Christian faith has become increasingly unpopular in our secular culture. This 1-minute devotion addresses 4 ways we can stand firm.
Just like Edom betrayed their brothers in Israel, modern professing Christians are betraying Christians who stand up for God's truth. This 1-minute devotion explains.
This devotion shares some important aspects of our faith that will always make us unpopular with secular culture. 
Many Christians are buckling under the pressure of our culture because they never understood John 15:18-19. This 1-minute devotion explains.
Romans 5:20 defines our current culture, the bad news and the good news. Let's beware and be who God designed us to be. 
This 1-minute devotion offers some scriptural encouragement for resisting Satan and standing firm. 
People often reject the messenger along with the message. Jesus said we should expect it. This 1-minute devotion explains.
Have you ever wondered why some of the most damaging sins are celebrated by our culture? This 1-minute devotion challenges us to stand firm.
If we aren't careful, we can sway with the winds of culture. This 1-minute devotion explains 6 ways to keep rooted in Christ.
We need to learn answers to the hard questions so we can teach younger generations in these dark times. See this list.
Dear Christians, we need to hold tightly to God's wisdom because the foundations are being shaken. This 1-minute devotion explains.
A military "alert" is a good analogy for this important Christian concept. 
Some Christians are ashamed of certain passages of Scripture. This 1-minute devotion explains.
This 1-minute devotion explains why being a Christian means experiencing great sorrow as well as great joy.
Christians should ALWAYS be against hate crimes. We must remember these 4 truths from Scripture.
Do you know what "the way of Cain" means? It's pertinent to Christians today. This 1-minute devotion explains.
This Old Testament example gives us the strength and inspiration to do the hard things Christ asks of us. 
When God inspired David to write Psalm 12, He knew how much it would apply to us today. This 1-minute devotion explains.
This is really the second half of the 8th beatitude but it is well worth a further look.
Do you understand the beatitude about being persecuted for righteousness? It's very pertinent to our lives today!
Romans 1:16 says, "I am not ashamed of the gospel.” Sadly many Christians are growing ashamed.
This 1-minute devotion offers examples of tragic majority opinions and what the Bible says about the majority of One.
The modern church stands at a crossroads described in Jeremiah 6. We must make the choice commanded in Jeremiah 6:16.
Popular "Progressive Christianity" is leading people down the broad highway to destruction. This 1-minute devotion explains. 
Christians are facing "Goliaths" who stand against our faith, mocking us. This devotion encourages us to fight biblically.
This question is more important than you may think. This 1-minute devotion shares some sad statistics and some wonderful promises.
Christians often misunderstand what Jesus promised in John 15:18-25.
It can be hard to speak up for truth, but it's so very important. Let this 1-minute devotion inspire you to speak up.
When celebrities speak, people listen, but they often speak nonsense. This one sure did.
Are you being silenced by increasing opposition to God’s Word? This 1-minute devotion addresses that problem. 
During Christ's lifetime, people called some of his teachings "hard." Many today are doing the same. This 1-minute devotion asks an important question.
When Jeremiah complained about the difficulty of serving God, God said the most incredible thing to Jeremiah! This 1-minute devotion explains.
Jeremiah warns us to take the "ancient paths." This 1-minute devotion explains what that means to us today.

Dear Christians, do you realize that we have something in common with Queen Esther? It's important!
The Bible is incredibly accurate and reliable. Those who claim otherwise become their own god. This 1-minute devotion explains why.
When discussing Bible truths, remember these 3 things and you'll avoid foolish debates.
Psalm 11 gives us 6 things we can and should do when the foundations of godliness are being destroyed.
When morals decline, genuine believers remain salt and light. This 1-minute devotion explains.
When we follow Jesus, we are called to these 5 "Rules of Battle." This 1-minute devotion explains.
Eve committed the oldest sin in the book, and Adam's sin was even more serious. This 1-minute devotion explains. 

Because of things happening in the world around us, we need Discernment more than ever before. This short devotion offers multiple Scriptures and 3 essential elements of discernment.
If we don't use our discernment, we'll lose it. This devotion offers 6 areas of concern. Don't be surprised if one or more of these areas make you feel uncomfortable about negative influences in your life.
Hostility toward Christians is increasing, but we have a special type of courage that comes from our Lord. Plus 15 Scriptures about Courage.
Biblical Truth is essential to our faith, but it is under continual attack. This devotion offers over insights and over 20 Scriptures about God's truth.
Genuine, Bible-believing Christians are facing great challenges in the months and years ahead. This 1-minute devotion encourages us to stand firm.

This is a collection of 1-minute devotions you can use to stand firm during these trying times in history.

Bible Love Notes

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