
6 Ways to be "Infused with Joy" in Your Walk with the Lord

6 Ways to avoid legalism and bring joy to your Christian obligations. a 1-minute devotion to encourage you. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Joy gives us energy and refreshment in our lives!

We must take our Christian obligations seriously. Without prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and acts of service, we'll never mature.

But we need to be motivated by love for Christ, not legalism, because legalism steals our joy and energy.

So how do we remain faithful to our Christian responsibilities and still maintain our joy?

Here are a few ideas:

1. Pray in ways that are suited to your personality.
See Paper, Pen, Prayer & Learning Style.

2. Add something "fun" to your quiet time.
See: Spice up Your Quiet Time and Happiness Diary.

3. Add depth to your fellowship. 
See The Blessings of Peer Mentors and 3 Benefits of Praying with a Friend.

4. Be creative about acts of service.
For an example, see Think Inside the Box.

5. Share Christ "your way."
See What's Your Evangelism Style?

6. Ask God to help you be joyful.
See 1 Thessalonians 5:16, Luke 10:20, Romans 12:15, and Psalm 68:3.  

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Philippians 4:4

How do you make joy a part of your Christian disciplines?

See also: Happiness versus Joy for a deeper understanding of our walk with the Lord.
Click image to find out more about Wisdom for Life, a hardcover devotional priced lower than most paperbacks.
Great Devotional!

6 Ways to avoid legalism and bring joy to your Christian obligations. a 1-minute devotion to encourage you. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

6 Ways to avoid legalism and bring joy to your Christian obligations. a 1-minute devotion to encourage you.

6 Ways to avoid legalism and bring joy to your Christian obligations. a 1-minute devotion to encourage you.


  1. Thankfulness even when you don't feel like it will help tremendously in bringing joy into your heart and life.

  2. One way is to remember its not all about me. Server others as Jesus showed us too and it somehow brings joy. Thats just one way!
    Stopping by from Moms Library Link Up

  3. Joy can be hard to practice when we are doing the same things over and over. I try to savor the joy I have with my children by taking a few extra minutes with them if they are especially enjoying themselves with an activity or on a walk. It is very easy to try and stick to a strict schedule and make things into a "duty" rather than a joyous privilege.

  4. Ladies, so many great ideas.

    This came at perfect time (Thank you LORD JESUS.) I'm in normally HOT, SoCal. Winters aren't my best time of year, Arthritis & Fibromyalgia. But when it rains allot, like this year, I get SAD, seasonal affective disorder. So, Bless you Gail; thanks for another wonderful post with fantastic links!

    Pain sometimes leaves me stuck in bed not moving, until I slowly stretch, meds kick in, or neither for a bit (not often)--praying it passes soon.

    During one of the 1st times like this, pain was excruciating. A close friend was over too. Since I missed church, I was having a big pout. Then I "thought" there has to be a better way.

    I had a church bulletin on my nightstand Bible. The fronts have beautiful art and a verse.

    Now I cut out the fronts and tape up, nearby, the ones that remind me to focus on God's grace & support. It reminds me to focus on God & Heaven, where my thoughts should be, instead of on me. Cause of this, I also pray for others suffering from illness or other big obstacles in their lives. It truly seems as if this gets me up and moving faster.

    GOD is GREAT & greatly to be praised! PSA 96:4a

    1. I'm so sorry you are suffering with these physical problems. I pray for your comfort and peace of heart as I write this. I'm so glad that you are able to get your focus on God and others. Those are such keys to overcoming discouragement and depression.
      God bless you!
