
Devotions from the Proverbs

A wonderful collection of 1-minute devotions based on the Proverbs.


This short devotion features 15 Proverbs which teach us about healthy friendships. It shares 4 qualities of a good friend and 8 types of people to avoid as friends.
Proverbs 3:7, a short, powerful verse, introduces this 1-minute devotion.
Two verses in Proverbs 18 offer clarity to this humorous but powerful illustration. You won't be sorry you took the time to read it.
What do Colorado cantaloupes have to do with these verses found in Proverbs 4? Why not read this 1-minute devotion and find out!
This young girl had every chance to change her ways. Sadly, her behavior is described by several Proverbs.
Talk about getting the news backwards, this real life example does just that and Proverbs points out the foolish reasons.
Proverbs 4;23 is the basis for this warning and encouragement to guard our hearts and stand firm...........
Proverbs 15:22 tells us to seek a multitude of counselors, but this is often misused and misunderstood. This 1-minute devotion explains. 
Laughter has many forms, both good and bad. This 1-minute devotion talks about our need for healthy, wholesome laughter. 
There's actually no such thing as "unanswered prayer." This 1-minute devotion explains the true meaning and why we should be grateful for it.
Our culture is convinced that our greatest need is praise. In truth, praise can cause us a great many problems. This 1-minute devotion explains. 
An important aspect of maturity in our faith and life is dependent on the way we respond to correction.
Helpful Bible verses and resources for overcoming anger.
It’s important to expose false teaching but equally important to do so accurately, avoiding sloppy research and unsubstantiated claims. 
This 1-minute devotion gives the Biblical cure for the trap of people-pleasing. 
We make multiple decisions each day, and that's why we need to learn to do the Proverbs 4 Walk.
Are you willing to have friends who "stab you in the front"? This 1-minute devotion explains why you should welcome such friends into your life.     
This 1-minute devotion offers an important warning and important solution for avoiding false teachings that contradict Scripture. 
This proverb is misunderstood and misused. It may not mean what you think it means!
Proverbs 22:6 must be understood in context. Otherwise, it lays a guilt trip on parents with bad adult children.
It's so important that we look at the Book of Proverbs correctly or we get easily trapped in false teaching.
Secular and Christian "authorities" tell us self-esteem is incredibly important and incredibly fragile. The Bible tells a different story.
The world says, “Follow your heart” but that's very dangerous advice. This 1-minute devotion explains what Scripture says. 
We need to be careful how we use Proverbs. They can become foolish weapons. 
Are you taking this medicine? You can't overdose. There are no bad side effects. Become addicted to this medicine and it's a win/win situation!  
Proverbs helps us make wise decisions and it’s even divided into chapters that are perfect for a daily/monthly wisdom injection. 
When we refuse to admit mistakes, we may think we're saving face, but this devotion shares what actually happens. 
Do you know the theme of the book of Proverbs? Proverbs tells us where wisdom begins. This 1-minute explains the results.
This 1-minute devotion shares 5 ways that we wrongly celebrate foolishness. It includes a quote by a famous missionary.
If you don’t know these verses, you’ll want to check out this 1-minute devotion. We all should know what it means to be a fool.
Proverbs 26:4 seems to contradict Proverbs 26:5. This 1-minute devotion explains why it's not contradictory.  
The Book of Proverbs offers practical wisdom to help us avoid foolishness. 
These truths from Proverbs help us identify and avoid foolishness. 
Proverbs defines these 3 sins committed by Fools. One is especially important to us.  
This 1-minute devotion offers some examples of slander and warns us to be careful what we believe.  
A great resource: 10 verses about the importance of accepting correction.  
Science Confirms Proverbs 17:22. This 1-minute devotion explains this joyful news.
These "Christian Rules of Speech" come straight from Scripture to help us develop Godly speech patterns.
Proverbs 23:23 tells us something that's valuable and encourages us to "buy" it. This 1-minute devotion explains how we can buy Pr.23:23 gifts.
Most folks understand that we need to be aware of harmful hidden ingredients in our food, but are you aware that there are harmful hidden ingredients in other areas that affect our spirits? This 1-minute devotion explains.
Joseph is an excellent example of someone who was a "Yes" man in a "no" world. Consider these elements of his story.
Sometimes we think our faith would be stronger if our lives were easier, but Solomon disproves that idea. 3 Things were his undoing. 
This devotion is filled with Proverbs that encourage us to accept and grow from correction. 
We need to address this false teaching that is based on a human teaching, adding words to a Proverb not present in the Proverb itself.


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