
1-Minute Bible Love Notes

Hi! I'm Gail and I welcome you to 1-Minute Bible Love Notes. I started Bible Love Notes in 2011 because I needed to be more consistent in my time with the Lord and I wanted to keep growing in my faith. If you'd like to know more details about my life (my age, family, background, etc.) you can check out my About Gail page.

Below are a few of the subjects I write about in my 1-minute devotions. To find a more complete subject listing, click HERE. To see an exhaustive archive with over 400 titles and descriptions, click HERE. Before you leave this page, I hope you'll sign up for a free subscription and have a 1-minute devotion delivered to your inbox each weekday. Thanks and God bless you! Gail

With my husband and best friend, standing in Budapest where we lived for 5 years doing Christian ministry.

Free Subscription to 1-Minute Bible Love Notes
Why not add some more of God's Word to your schedule by having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your email each weekday. Sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet. Find out more HERE.


  1. Stopping by from UBP 13 and I enjoyed my visit.

    Your post was fun and creative. We have a lot in common, wish we were neighbors.

    (Link # 59)

  2. On a visit from the UBP13. I look forward to reading more on your blog. Have a blessed day.

  3. Stopping by from UBP! You have a beautiful smile, it just radiates joy!!!

  4. I love you site. You gave some great tips for a newbie too... as we have only been up and running 7 months! I am now following and look forward to coming back for more ideas on improving our blog and receiving your 1 minute daily devotions. So blessed to have found UBP this year!

  5. Hopping over from UBP13. I homeschooled for 10 yrs, but now mine are all grown up. I like sharing what God is teaching me, but I also share ideas about homeshcooling.

    I like to cook, craft & write. If you ever want some fun activities with your grandkids, stop by for our Oreo Moon Phases or our Lucky Charms Graph.

    Kerry Beck

  6. Hi Gail, visiting from UPB. What a great and unique blog. Wow

  7. Hey, I am doing the UBP too! How fun! I love how you have everything archived with pictures. Awesome! I assume it's that linky thing that you did a tutorial about. I still need to do that thing, lol!

    What a sweet picture of you and your precious grandchildren! They are adorable.

    Thanks so much for linking up to "Making Your Home Sing Monday" linky party today! :)

  8. Fun to come by here again (via the UBP)! And I'll try to be back for your TGIF Blog Hop the first of May! Enjoy those grandkids. :-)

  9. HI! Can't wait to check out some of your notes! Good to meet you!

  10. Sometimes we just do not have much time even for important things like devotionals. I love that you do 1 minute bible focuses.
    I found you on The Ultimate Blog Party. It is always good to find other Christians.
    I will follow all your social medias.
    Diane Roark

  11. Hi Gail, I am so happy to meet you through the UBP14 link up! Your blog looks like a true treasure chest, looking forward to reading more!

  12. Hi. I found you through the Ultimate Blog Party 2014. I look forward to looking around your blog. :D

  13. You guys look young enough to be their parents. Your blog looks like a treasure trove. I'll be digging for a while. Thank you for dropping by.

  14. Hey there! Linking up from the #UBP14. I think it's great that you use sound bites to connect with others and share Christ. What a great idea! Check us out at to learn more about us and our ministry if you are interested. :)

  15. Good morning, Gail! Visiting from #UBP14. I love your love note idea--thanks for the introduction!
