
Be Prepared Series

This is a collection of 1-minute devotions offering advice for answering difficult questions about our Christian faith.

These 1-minute devotions are great preparation for questions people often ask Christians.

1 Peter 3:15 says, "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."

↪ She asked me "How can you say Jesus is the only way? That sounds arrogant and exclusive." This 1-minute devotion shares my answer.
Be Prepared: “Is Jesus the Only Way?”

↪ A concise, Biblical answer to the question: Isn't the Bible full of inconsistencies?
Be Prepared: What About Bible “Inconsistencies”?

A concise Biblical answer to the unfair question: Why are so many Christians hypocrites?
Be Prepared: Why are there so many Christian hypocrites?

What does a Christian say when someone asks why they "push their faith" on others? This 1-minute devotion gives an excellent answer.
 Be Prepared: “Why Push Your Faith on Others?”

This 1-minute devotion explains why we can trust a book "written by men." In fact, that statement is only half true for reasons explained. 
Be Prepared: How can you trust the Bible when it was written by men?

Have you ever had someone say they only believe the words of Christ, not the rest of Scripture? That is perhaps the most illogical statement on the planet. This 1-minute devotion explains. Be Prepared: “Why not simply believe the words of Christ?”

A 1-minute devotion to help you answer this question Biblically: "Why did God create mankind with the ability to sin?"
“Why did God create Man with the ability to sin?”

There is a very simple answer to the question: Why Can't All Religions Be True? This 1-minute devotion explains.
Be Prepared: “Why Can’t All Religions Be True?”

A concise, Biblical answer to the question: "Why did God destroy entire nations in the Old Testament? 6 Important clues 
Be Prepared: Why did God destroy entire nations?

This 1-minute devotion offers an answer to the question: Why Doesn't God Stop Evil? Most of us have been asked this question, and it's always good to have some help in answering it Biblically.
Be Prepared: Why Doesn’t God Stop Evil?

A concise, Biblical answer to the question: Isn't the Bible full of mythology?
Be Prepared: “Isn’t the Bible a Mythological Book?”

  A concise, Biblical answer to the question: How Can you take the Bible literally?
Be Prepared: How can you take the Bible literally?


A concise Biblical answer to the question: What about people who never hear the Gospel?
Be Prepared: What About People Who Never Hear the Gospel?

Concise, Biblical answer to the question: Why Would a Loving God Send Men to Hell?
Be Prepared: Why Would a Loving God Send Men to Hell?


↪  Why does God allow evil in the world? Why didn't He create a perfect world? This 1-minute devotion addresses these questions.

Why is there Senseless Suffering?


↪  Why does God allow Satan to exist when Satan's whole purpose is to do evil? This 1-minute devotion gives us some Biblical insights.

Understanding Why Satan Has Power


This is a collection of 1-minute devotions offering advice for answering difficult questions about our Christian faith.

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