
Should We Be Focusing More on Some Sins than on Others?

Culture influences Christians and pressures us to conform. This devotion explains why it's sometimes necessary to emphasize certain sins.

Recently someone asked why my devotions lately have focused more on certain sins than on others.

Great question.

I write about a variety of subjects (see below), but I do write more often about areas where we're experiencing increased anti-Bible propaganda. 

Our world is pressuring us to conform.

And many of us are also facing pressure from loved ones who are living lifestyles that defy God's loving commands. We're seeing Luke 12:51-53 played out in our own families, and we need encouragement to keep standing with Christ (Matthew 10:37).

If we share God's views about criminal lifestyles, it's unlikely someone will call us a Pharisee, a hater, self-righteous, or phobic. It's doubtful anyone will claim Scripture approves criminal activity. 

If we share God's views about sexual lifestyles or the sanctity of life, we'll likely hear all of those arguments. We need to be prepared so we can stand against the devil's schemes (Ephesians 6:10-18). 

Theft, dishonesty, and greed are all things we need to stand firmly against, but we aren't being pressured to promote, approve, and celebrate those things in the same way we're being pressured about sexual sins.

I'll continue to write about a variety of things that comfort, encourage, convict, and instruct us as believers. But I will emphasize the spiritual battles we face in our current world. 

We won't survive if we aren't strategically prepared. We must “be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power(Ephesians 6:10-18).


Each of the twenty-one links below goes to a collection of devotions about the subject, not to a single devotion. If you'd like to access thirty-six other subject collections in addition to these twenty-one, click the image below this list.

Help During Difficult Times 

Devotions for Overcoming Loneliness

God’s Love Notes

Guard Your Heart

Growing in Christ  

Approaching Holidays Biblically 

God's View of Sex

Christians Who Inspire Us


Joy and Laughter

Biblical Attitudes toward Money and Possessions

Our Need for Repentance

Devotions about Romans 8:28

Biblical Parenting

The Value God Places on Human Life

Suffering and Evil

Biblical Teaching on Sexual Lifestyles

Misunderstandings about Scripture

What Scripture Teaches on Specific Subjects

Twisted Scriptures

Thought Life      

If you want to access thirty-six other subject collections, click the image below:

Subject collections on the Bible Love Notes Devotional Site
Culture influences Christians and pressures us to conform. This devotion explains why it's sometimes necessary to emphasize certain sins.

Bible Love Notes

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