
Satan's Crazy Contradictions

Some of Satan's contradictory lies have infiltrated Christian thinking. This 1-minute devotion offers some pertinent examples and a Biblical solution.

I believe in humane treatment of animals, but I'm baffled and saddened when someone supports animal rights but also supports inhumane abortion procedures
on humans. (1) 

Satan's ploys are always contradictory in some way.

And some of these contradictions have crept into Christian thinking. 

For example: 

1. We sometimes esteem ourselves and question God's motives instead of questioning our motives and esteeming God (Proverbs 3:5-6).
2. We sometimes think our culture can "update" God's moral laws (Proverbs 30:5).

3. We often honor our children instead of training them (Ephesians 6:1-2).
4. We often judge our parents instead of honoring them (Ephesians 6:1-2).
5. We sometimes love money and use people instead of loving people and using money (Matthew 6:33 & Philippians 2:3-4).

We're called to be the "salt of the earth," and only by knowing and living God's Word can we rid ourselves of these harmful contradictions (Romans 12:2 & Matthew 5:13). Let's restore and maintain our saltiness by being in God's Word daily. 

If you have had an abortion, I encourage you to read Ungodly Amusement. It provides some helpful resources for you at the bottom.


I encourage you to read a longer devotion about abortion called Would You Have Justified Slavery? 

And if you have purchased Wisdom for Life, you can find additional wisdom about this subject by reading or rereading Day 76.

Some of Satan's contradictory lies have infiltrated Christian thinking. This 1-minute devotion offers some pertinent examples and a Biblical solution.

(1) Christians should oppose abortion for many reasons (see biblical reasons HERE). But I am especially baffled when someone is concerned with the pain of an animal but is unconcerned with the methods of abortion that have no regard for the pain of the unborn child. Moreover, when abortion was only allowed during the first trimester, a number of authorities claimed the baby didn't start feeling pain until the second trimester. Now that abortion is allowed up to the day of delivery in many states, authorities are making claims that the baby cannot feel pain far beyond the second trimester. At best, this shows that they don't really know when or how much pain the baby feels. At worst, it shows that people will make up all sorts of lies to accommodate their sins.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Bless you, bless you bless you!
    You inspire me with God's truth, his words and knowledge.

    1. Thanks for your blessing, Christine : )
      I appreciate it.
      Gail : )
