
2020: The Year We Refused to Lose

Let's refuse to count 2020 as a loss and remember these important blessings, especially one of them!

I recently read an article describing 2020 as “the year we lost.” 

It’s true that people have lost travel, fellowship and family time, jobs, businesses, opportunities, loved ones, and normalcy. Sometimes it’s felt like we’ve been standing still since Covid began.

Without denying that we’ve lost some important things in 2020, let’s live our faith by calling it “the year we refused to lose.” 

Let’s fix our thoughts on things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). 

Here’s the beginning of my Philippians 4:8 list

1. During 2020, I gained a deeper appreciation for fellowship, hugs, and smiles

2. I’ve had more time to organize my home

3. I’ve learned to handle some errands online in half the time. 

4. My relationship with my husband has grown closer due to more time together.

But let me pause here and interject the most important thing any of us can add to our list: Whatever happens, we need not be afraid or discouraged because the Lord has been with us through 2020 and He’ll be with us in 2021 (Joshua 1:9).  

In my devotion If I Planned Christ's Birth or 2020 I suggested that you write a list like the one I just started. Let's start every new year by counting our blessings.

And why not make a New Year's resolution to read more of God's Word and spend more time in prayer! To help you with that purpose, you might want to take a look at the Bible Love Notes Be Prepared Series which addresses tough questions about God. Consider studying that collection on your own, with a friend, or with your small group. Or check out the collection of other Devotional Series like Prayer or Trojan Horse Lies.

Let's refuse to count 2020 as a loss and remember these important blessings, especially one of them!

Bible Love Notes


  1. Great post! My trust in God increased in 2020. I don't aspire to set New Years resolutions but I do choose a "focus word". That word is "inspire" for 2021. I pray God uses me to inspire others to serve and trust in God.

  2. Last night, New Year's Eve, we gathered with family members and before the New Year we went around our circle and shared the BLESSINGS of 2020. We smiled to remember there were many! Thanks for encouraging us to count our blessings, Gail.

  3. Yes, closer with my husband too. We have not suffered financially and I have been grateful for that and the life full of family (and books!) God has given me. Also, discovered I could slow down. After all, I am retired!
