
5 Things To Do When Someone Mistreats You

The Bible gives us wisdom for handling mistreatment. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

If someone mistreats you, what should you do?

1. Make sure you have your facts straight. 
In the heat of the moment, it's easy to misunderstand a situation (Proverbs 18:13).

See Cookie Thieves and I Admit I Was Foolish.

2. Keep calm and pray. 
Don’t do anything until you’ve given your anxious thoughts to the Lord (Philippians 4:6-7).

See Attitude Adjustment.

3. Remember that you sometimes do things unintentionally that hurt others. 
Perhaps that's what happened. Give the other person some grace (Matthew 5:5; Ephesians 4:2).

See Inherit.

4. Respond in the way you would want others to respond to you (Matthew 7:12).   
Apologize to your offender if you did something to hurt them even if they were more wrong than you (James 5:16).

See 7 Ways to Walk in the Opposite Spirit and Make No Mistake.

5. Forgive. 
Whether the other person hurt you intentionally or unintentionally, whether they repent or not, forgive them and refuse to become bitter (Ephesians 4:32)!

The day I wrote this devotion, God gave me opportunity to apply it to my life. I'm so grateful for His Word! 


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The Bible gives us wisdom for handling mistreatment. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

The Bible gives us wisdom for handling mistreatment. This 1-minute devotion explains.


  1. I love these advices. They make very much sense!!

  2. Printing this out for my refrigerator!

  3. Thanks much, it is very helpful!
    Blessings ♡

  4. Great help for a sin I commit over and over! I ask GOD's help in this! AMEN!
