
Preparing Our Hearts to Overflow With Thanksgiving

Enjoy these short 1-minute devotions that highlight different aspects of THANKSGIVING, both the attitude and the holiday.

I realize not all of my readers are Americans who celebrate Thanksgiving. But there are some wonderful "God stories" and Scriptural truths in both the holiday and the biblical concept of thanksgiving. 

So today, I offer you some one-minute devotions from the archives that deal with Thanksgiving and thankfulness.  You can choose to read one or all, and I pray they will give you a more thankful heart. That's what I'm praying for myself.  ~ Gail

P.S. My favorite is "5 Kernels of Corn."  

Genuine Thankfulness – 1 Timothy 6:7-8: Genuine thankfulness is often found in the most unlikely places. This one-minute devotion explains and offers scriptural insights.

3 Steps to Spiritual Success: These three short verses offer incredible wisdom. Be encouraged!

Let’s Take Back Thanksgiving!! Inspiration and ideas for focusing on Christ and the true meaning of Thanksgiving.

Gratitude Attitude: Secular studies confirm what God has been saying all along. This one-minute devotion explains gratitude from a biblical perspective.

Gratitude Born of Pain: We often associate gratitude with obvious blessings, but the original Thanksgiving was based on something else.

God's Different Methods of CommunicationSince Thanksgiving is a time for turkey, it made me think of the phrase "talkin' turkey."

Talking about Turkey and God's Creativity: In preparation for Thanksgiving, ponder these things about God's creation.

Popcorn, Thanksgiving, and Heaven Have Something in Common: A wonderful message from the Thanksgiving celebration.

5 Kernels of Corn: This true story about the Pilgrims will bless you and build your faith.

Don't Give God Your LeftoversA spiritual truth worth remembering when we dig into those Thanksgiving leftovers.

Black Friday and Good Friday: An interesting comparison of Black Friday and Good Friday.

Enjoy these short 1-minute devotions that highlight different aspects of THANKSGIVING, both the attitude and the holiday.

Bible Love Notes

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