
Using Discernment with "Christian" Testimonies

After listening to two "Christian" testimonies I realized that the judge-not movement is creating false testimonies of salvation.

I listened to two interviews which illustrated how the 
judge-not movement interferes with genuine repentance.

The woman interviewed said she was struggling with her gender when she decided being a Christian would be “enjoyable.” But she was offended when her new Christian friends told her that her desire to transition to a man was not right because she was a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). 

So she sought out non-Christians who encouraged her to take hormones and have surgery. But her breast-removal left her with regrets, so she found a church that accepted her as a “brother” in Christ without judging her. 

Eventually she decided to identify as a woman, although she said she still sometimes dresses like a man. And she admitted she's resentful but claims that Jesus assured her that her resentment isn't selfish; it's simply a result of her unmet needs. 

She didn't mention sin or repentance in either interview. Instead, she focused on how people made her feel, and she clearly saw herself as a victim, not a sinner.

These interviews left me with two important insights: 

1. Don't assume that someone is a genuine believer simply because they identify as one. Her Christian friends were right in warning her, but they made the false assumption that she understood repentance and salvation.

2. The judge-not” attitude is cruel because it leaves people confused about sin and salvation. 

True freedom comes only through Christ, not through approval and acceptance (John 8:31-32).


For those who want to dig deeper, I've prepared a Bite Size Bible study addressing this woman's attitude in light of Scripture: Are We Sinners or Victims?

I have purposely not included this woman’s name or the links to her podcasts because my purpose isn't to single her out but to offer an example of the false philosophy she represents. I believe her testimony comes from an unconverted and confused position.

We must help those struggling with their gender, but we must present the truth that transgenderism is a sin that will damage their souls. If you'd like to better understand the biblical view of transgenderism, please see these devotions:

What the Bible Teaches about Transgenderism

A Letter from a Reader Regarding Right and Wrong

A Necessary Explanation 

After listening to two "Christian" testimonies I realized that the judge-not movement is creating victims instead of Christians.

After listening to two "Christian" testimonies I realized that the judge-not movement is creating victims instead of Christians.

Bible Love Notes

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