
Thanksgiving Thought: Do You Take Things for Granted? I Do.

This 1-minute devotion offers some helpful insights regarding gratitude.

I take so much for granted: 

My eyesight and the ability to see colors, shapes, new and familiar faces, reading materials, etc. 

My ability to taste food, enjoying new flavors and old favorites. 

My ability to touch and feel textures and temperatures. 

My ability to smell wonderful aromas, some of which remind me of special experiences in the past. 

If you are also able to experience any of these things, why not join me and thank God for them. 

In addition, I often take food, clothing, hot showers, and modern conveniences for granted. If you have any of these things, please join me in thanking God for them. 

Most of us are thankful for the “extras” like vacations, gifts, and special outings, but we typically take our daily blessings for granted. 

More importantly, if Christians lose all of these things I've listed, we still have reason to be thankful because we have a God: 

Who forgives us (1 John 1:9). 

Who will never forsake us (Hebrews 13:5-6). 

Who loves us with a perfect love (1 John 3:1). 

Who teaches and guides us (Proverbs 3:5-6). 

Who will one day give us a life that is 100% perfect in every way imaginable (Revelation 21:1-7). 

Let’s celebrate Thanksgiving with these things in mind. Why not read each Scripture linked in this devotion and thank God for the wonderful truth it contains. 

I also encourage you to read the one-minute devotion Romans 12:1-2: Grateful and Transforming

A great hardback devotional at the price of a paperback.

This 1-minute devotion offers some helpful insights regarding gratitude.

Bible Love Notes

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