
The Two Most Important Days in History

There are two days that are far more important than any other days throughout human history. This devotion discusses one of them.

There are two events in history that deserve more celebration, more joy, more praise, more gratitude, more excitement, more awe, more delight, more pleasure, more amazement, and more reverence than any other events: 

The birth of our Savior and His resurrection from the dead.

Since Christmas is next week, let's consider how Scripture explains Christ's birth.*

God wanted us to understand the importance of Christ's birth, so He sent an angel to some shepherds in their fields, and this angel proclaimed that Christ's birth was a “great joy for all the people.” 

But God didn't stop with a single angel. He sent “a great company of the heavenly host” praising God to emphasize how incredible Christ's coming was for mankind. 

The shepherds didn't hesitate to leave their fields and find the baby Jesus. Even though they wouldn't fully understand Christ's mission until later, they returned home “glorifying and praising God” (Luke 2:8-20).  

In addition, God emphasized Christ’s birth by putting a special star in the sky and guiding wise men to come and worship Jesus and bring Him gifts (Matthew 2:1-12). 

Christ could have come into the world quietly, but God wanted the world to know that something very special was happening. He wanted to celebrate the coming of His Son to earth. 

Dear Christians, as you take a break from work this Christmas, remember the shepherds who left their fields. When you give gifts, remember the wise men who traveled for days to give Christ their gifts. When you see an angel decoration, remember that the heavens were filled with joyful angels when Christ was born.
May our words, thoughts, and plans celebrate the most wonderful and important birth of all time.


* We don't know the exact day Christ was born. There is disagreement about it among scholars. But we shouldn't get hung up on the day. If you adopted a child and you didn't know their actual birthday, you would create a day to celebrate because you would be celebrating the child coming into the world, not the date.
Below you will find posts that will help you make your celebration more Christ-centered. You'll also find resources that address the false claims about Christmas being a pagan celebration. 
Why we celebrate Christmas:

Ideas for a more Christ-centered holiday:



I've thoroughly researched the claim that Christmas is a pagan holiday:
These devotions not only contain the conclusions from my research. They contain multiple quotes and links to other resources that debunk false claims about Christmas. Let's not let these false claims keep us from celebrating the most important birth in history! If someone isn't comfortable celebrating Christmas, we can respect their convictions according to Romans 14. But if someone makes false claims about Christmas, we should graciously but firmly correct them.

Addressing false teachings about Christmas trees.

I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word: Wisdom for Life. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. And find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE

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There are two days that are far more important than any other days throughout human history. This devotion discusses one of them.

Bible Love Notes

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