
What's Your Definition of a Missionary?

Most people have the wrong definition of a missionary. Do you? this 1-minute devotion explains.

Most of us define a missionary as "a person sharing Christ in a foreign country." 

However, in the truest sense a missionary is "a person on a mission," and that should describe all Christians, even if we never leave our hometown (Matthew 28:18-20).

Acts 1:8 says, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

We tend to highlight "the ends of the earth" in this passage and ignore what the other locations represented for the disciples:
  • People in their present location—Jerusalem
  • People nearby who were like them—Judea
  • People nearby from other cultures—Samaria 
Every Christian should be sharing Christ in at least one of these "locations." 

The most effective way to do this is to talk naturally about Christ to those around us, sharing how He impacts our lives personally. God has given us this mission, and He's equipped each of us to do it in our own unique way in our sphere of influence.

BE ENCOURAGED! You can be an important missionary right where you are!

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For more encouragement about sharing Christ, see these collections of one-minute devotions: Sharing Christ and What's Your Evangelism Style?

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Most people have the wrong definition of a missionary. Do you? this 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes

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