
Identifying Propaganda and Standing Firm Biblically

This series helps us identify the subtle and not-so-subtle lies of Satan promoted by our culture.

This series is meant to identify the propaganda so prevalent in our culture, understand the methods and techniques, address this propaganda biblically, and stand firmly on the foundation of Christ.

Propaganda is Threatening Free Speech

This devotion shares wisdom from Jeremiah to help us deal with anti-Christian propaganda.

Why Chains Are Sometimes Promoted as Freedom

Some things the world calls "freedom" are actually "chains." This 1-minute devotion explains true freedom.

Contradictory Lies, a Necessity and Frequent Tool of Propaganda 

Impassioned lies are a necessary ingredient in propaganda. This devotion offers examples.

Why Christian Leaders Are Judged More Strictly

Please pray for Christian teachers like Andy Stanley who are choosing culture over Scripture.

To read more details about the propaganda used at Andy Stanley's 2023 church conference see Have We Misjudged Andy Stanley? 

Propaganda Always Denies the Obvious and Highlights the Unlikely

Propaganda Always Denies the Obvious and Highlights the Unlikely

Propaganda, out of necessity, must focus on side issues to conceal its real goals and purposes.


Propaganda that "Clobbers" God's Loving Warnings 

It's become popular to mock God's Word by calling certain passages "Clobber passages." This devotion explains why this is done.



Other “Clobber Passages” Un-Clobbered 

This devotion explains the rude lies about verses that people call “Clobber Passages.”



Did Jesus Draw Lines or Circles?

A well-known pastor praised his church for what he called “drawing circles.” Creative propaganda...


A “Christian” Response Based on Propaganda, Not Scripture

This 1-minute devotion shares a "Christian" statement we never hear and one we hear too often. Both are wrong, based on worldly propaganda.

Propaganda Uses Distorted, Dishonest Definitions

It's amazing when a professing Christian calls a devotion that's 85% Scripture "hateful."

Warnings from a Former Guru

We deal regularly with pagan propaganda in the church: pagan practices such as yoga have been introduced into Christian life as if they can be made Christian despite their pagan origins. Let this former Hindu guru set things straight.

Entertainment is Teaching Children to Mock God

Beware of the way entertainment has changed it standards in order to teach children to mock God at an early age.

Proabortion Propaganda Defies Logic & Law

Facebook hid this devotion when we posted it. Why? Because the world is censoring things that don't fit in with our culture's popular propaganda, and that is the only reason that normal human beings support the inhumane killing of the unborn.

Jesus Explains Why We're Facing Anti-Christian Bigotry

Why are Christians facing increased bigotry in culture, business, and media? It's a type of propaganda that Jesus experienced and told us we would experience.


For a similar collection with a slightly different focus, see The Fake Jesus versus the Real Jesus. It explains how people have changed the character and teachings of Christ to fit their beliefs instead of understanding who Christ is based on Scripture.

This series helps us identify the subtle and not-so-subtle lies of Satan promoted by our culture.



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