
5 Habits of Difficult People

This 1-minute devotion offers 5 characterisitcs of difficult people and encourages us to evaluate our actions. #BibleLoveNotes #Devotions

Difficult people (some of whom are professing Christians) consistently:

1. Excuse ungodliness.
See That’s Just the Way I Am.

2. Judge others hypocritically.
See 3 Rules: God, Diamond, or Sawdust.

3. Avoid giving direct, specific apologies.
See Self-Defense and How to Say I’m Sorry.

4. Consider themselves better than others, often based on external practices.
See I’m a Recovering Pharisee and The Pharisees Had High Self-Esteem.

5. Lose their tempers, yell, say things they shouldn’t, give people the silent treatment or the cold shoulder, and/or act immaturely.
See Anger is a Serious Sin.

It's unlikely that a difficult person will read this devotion and repent. But let's make sure that we don't join their ranks (2 Peter 1:3-11).

Let's read through this list and honestly evaluate our actions. Do we need to deal with some of these areas so we don't become difficult people? 

I know I do. How about you?


See also A Cleaning Principle that Applies to Our Spirits, When Little Things are Big Things, and Attention to Details.

This 1-minute devotion offers 5 characterisitcs of difficult people and encourages us to evaluate our actions. #BibleLoveNotes #Devotions

Bible Love Notes

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