
16 Doors

This concise devotion shares my love for DOORS and shares 16 important doors mentioned in Scripture. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Doors

I love doors. 

Whenever I’m traveling, I take pictures of doors. I even started a Facebook page called Doors of Joy in Jesus where I add Scriptures to pictures of doors.

Doors are important.

This concise devotion shares my love for DOORS and shares 16 important doors mentioned in Scripture. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Doors
Sometimes God opens them and sometimes He closes them.

Sometimes God sends us to someone’s door to share the gospel or words of encouragement. 

Some people close the door in our face, and other people open it wide and invite us in.

Doors mark beginnings, transitions, and endings.

Maybe the fact that I’ve lived in over 40 homes in my lifetime is one reason I like doors. I know what it means to walk out of one door and into another. 

God talks about doors in a variety of ways in His Word. Here are 16 examples:

1. Sometimes sin is crouching at our door and we need to rule over it (Genesis 4:7 - See Choice).

2. The blood of the Lamb on the doorframe protected God’s people from death (Exodus 12:23 - See The Scarlet Cord).

3. God’s words should be such an important part of our lives that we want to remember them coming and going, as if they are written on the doorframes of our homes (Deuteronomy 11:18-21).

4. Being close to the Lord is so wonderful. Even if we were only  doorkeepers in God's house we'd be better off than living anywhere else (Psalm 84:10 - See Cartoons and Cinnamon Rolls).

5. We are blessed when we daily wait at the door of God’s Word listening for His instruction (Proverbs 8:32-34 - See Rabbit Ears).

6. We shouldn’t pray to get people's attention. Instead, we should close the door of our prayer closet and focus on the Lord (Matthew 6:5-6 - See Earthly or Eternal Rewards).

7. If we knock on the door of God’s will, He will open it (Matthew 7:7-8).

This concise devotion shares my love for DOORS and shares 16 important doors mentioned in Scripture. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Doors
8. Jesus is the “Door” (or the gate) through which His true followers enter (John 10:1-9).

9. The resurrected Jesus didn't need a door to visit His followers. He could appear in a room supernaturally (John 20:26).

10. Sometimes angels open doors for the Lord's people (Acts 5:19).

11. God opened the door of faith to all ethnic groups (Acts 14:27).

12. Sometimes God sends earthquakes to open doors that imprison His followers (Acts 16:26).

13. Often God opens doors for effective evangelism (1 Corinthians 16:9 and 2 Corinthians 2:12 and Colossians 4:3).

14. When we complain, we should remember that our Judge is waiting at the door (James 5:9).

15. God opens a door for genuine believers to enter His Kingdom and no one can shut that door (Revelation 3:8).

But my favorite verse about a door is this one:

16. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me." Revelation 3:20

Have you invited Him in? I have!
If you are on Facebook and would like to enjoy a Scripture door each day of the week, check out Doors of Joy in Jesus. You can "open doors" of encouragement for others by sharing these doors on your Facebook page. 💙

This concise devotion shares my love for DOORS and shares 16 important doors mentioned in Scripture. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Doors

Bible Love Notes

1 comment:

  1. I thought I was the only one who took pics of doors! Granted, I never thought about them in terms of joy so I'm enjoying this new perspective.
