
Self-Pity and Blame-Shifting

Blame-shifting has become a serious epidemic, even among Christians. Think it's not a problem? This 1-minute devotion might change your mind. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Biblestudy

Instead of agreeing with God that we’re sinners, we often analyze and agonize, finding ways to blame our failures on someone or something outside ourselves. 

We can blame anyone or anything, but parents are especially popular scapegoats (Proverbs 30:11-13,17). And there's no shortage of counselors willing to assist our blame-shifting.(1)

God disagrees. Scripture teaches that we alone are responsible for our sins.

God won’t hold a father responsible for his son’s sins, nor a son for his father’s (Ezekiel 18). 

Joseph proves we can be abused by family and circumstances, and even falsely imprisoned, yet remain faithful, obedient, and forgiving. He throws all blame-shifting excuses out the window.(2)

One of my friends was raised in a severely abusive home. In addition, she was legally blind. But when she found Jesus, she became a loving, giving, functioning adult.(3)

I’ve known people with far fewer problems than my friend who wallow in self-pity, jealously blaming others for their sins.

Are you blaming someone for your sins? I encourage you to read Matthew 7:3-5Ezekiel 18, Galatians 6:7-8, and 2 Corinthians 7:9-10, and adjust your thinking.
(1) See Let's Grow Up and What to Do When We Blow It.
(2) Don't miss this 1-minute devotion about Joseph: Bad Blood
(3) Read more about my friend: Shiny White Shoes.

Note: Children who have been physically or sexually abused by parents must seek godly Christian counsel in handling their adult relationship with their parents. 

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Blame-shifting has become a serious epidemic, even among Christians. Think it's not a problem? This 1-minute devotion might change your mind. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Biblestudy

Bible Love Notes

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