
God Is Never On Vacation

Let these Scriptures and insights encourage you of this truth that God will never leave you! #Bible #Biblestudy #BibleLoveNotes

God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” 

The wording of this verse in the Greek gives it emphasis, almost as if God is saying, "I will never, never, never forsake you." 

God's Spirit is with us no matter what...through thick and good times and exceptions...whether we feel His presence or not.

Knowing God is always with us, will we ignore Him or take His hand throughout the day? Will we acknowledge His presence or take Him for granted?
Please join me today in thinking of ways to remember God's faithfulness. 

One way to do this is to set an alarm to go off every hour as a reminder to pause and say "I love You" to the God who will never, never, never leave you.

Here are some additional Scriptures to encourage you: 
Psalm 94:14;  Psalm 37:25;  Deuteronomy 31:6;  Deuteronomy 31:8; Joshua 1:9Romans 8:31-39.

For full text Scriptures and additional insights, check out today's Bite Size Bible Study

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Let these Scriptures and insights encourage you of this truth that God will never leave you! #Bible #Biblestudy #BibleLoveNotes


  1. The scripture that God promises to never leave us or forsake us means the world to me! It means alot.

  2. Also. It also means alot to my heart that scripture says nothing can ever separate us from the love of God. That I can't make a mistake or be a using addict or commit some sin and him not love me anymore! I'm grateful that nothing can separate us from God because I have a tendency to mess things up. Self savatoge galore.

    1. Yes, Unknown, God forgives us and never forsakes us.

      But we must also realize that those who genuinely love the Lord are serious about turning from their sins.

      1 John 3:6 says: "Anyone who keeps on sinning does not know him or understand who he is."

      When we are saved, we become a new creation and our heart longs to please the Lord. We still sin, but we are deeply troubled by our sins and we get help in overcoming them.
