
What a Friend We Have in Jesus

If you feel lonely, please remember this important Biblical truth. It can turn things around for you. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

I’ve moved forty times, and my lifestyle has taught me a lot about friendships. 

Some friends are forever friends. Whether we live near them or far away, we stay connected. Other friends bless us for a season and move on.

Some friends are casual friends. Others are like family.

However, no matter how many friends we have, most of us also experience periods of loneliness. That's when we need to remember these truths:

“God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’" Hebrews 13:5

“I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” John 15:15
“Our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.” 1 John 1:3

If you are feeling lonely, discouraged, alone, forgotten, or friendless, memorize these truths and let your fellowship with Christ go deeper.
If you want to read other 1-minute devotions about human friendships, check these out:
Partners in Prayer
Peer Mentors
Friends, Not Fans
Be One to Have One

I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word: Wisdom for Life. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. And find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE. You can read the first 4 devotions in the book by clicking "look inside" "read sample" on Lifeway or Amazon.
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If you feel lonely, please remember this important Biblical truth. It can turn things around for you.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is so needed now days, just because we have social media people forget to have one on one with each other. And truly people move so often and it is hard to see friends move away. But we do have this simple yet profound truths you shared today! Thanks Happy Fall
