
The Sharpening Process: As Iron Sharpens Iron

What does the Bible tell us about difficult relationships? When can we give up? # BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Sometimes after repeated attempts to reconcile differences with a friend, we realize we must agree to disagree. We should continue to treat each other kindly, but there's no need for us to be everyone's best friend. 

However, this should be the exception, not the rule. And we shouldn't give up until we've genuinely tried to reconcile our differences. 

When it comes to family, this is even more important.

We're messy, fallen people and our attempts at communication are flawed at best. But we'll never learn godly perseverance if we refuse to respectfully listen to the concerns of friends and family, especially when those concerns are related to how we treat them.(1)

Scripture tells us to do our best to get along with others (Romans 12:18). This doesn't mean we accept rude behavior or unjust criticism, but it means that we forgive, return good for evil, and do our best to avoid difficulties.

There will always be people who "shut down" relationships by refusing to discuss things or by cutting people off, but we should take care not to be those people, even if it means we must continually forgive offenses (Luke 17:3-4).(2)

Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” 

This sharpening process can be noisy, abrasive and humbling, but it's important in our walk with the Lord, especially when dealing with family.(3)

Have you given up on someone important in your life? Please ask God if there's something more you can do.
Check out these 1-Minute Bible Love Notes for additional thoughts on this subject: Movin OnGet Out of Yourself, and I Remember the Log.

(1) Sometimes big relationship problems can be solved by very small things. But our pride and stubbornness keep us from doing it.
(2) If someone becomes angry, we can tell them that we'd like to discuss things after they calm down.
(3) Whether we like it or not, God is the One responsible for placing us in our particular family, and He never does anything without good purposes.

To do a short Bible study on this devotion, check out today's Bite Size Bible Study

What does the Bible tell us about difficult relationships? When can we give up? # BibleLoveNotes #Bible

1 comment:

  1. Whenever my husband saw an article like this he took it to mean that anyone with whom he came in conflict with and he felt was "toxic" had to be removed from his life his environment including me! He and many others do not feel that they should resolve conflict and continue to love or that the enemy causes strife and we must work at being kind and loving as a way to sanctifying ourselves in conflict and loving despite they block you out, divorce you and dismiss anyone they have the slightest disagreement as being toxic and say well Jesus told his dosciples shake that dust off and move on where does that leave us as Christians wives and the children we have to raise when the men use the bible verses to say well we are told by the bible to quit dealing with certain people and move on and this young 20 something creates a less toxic environment!
