
He Saved Hundreds From Jumping

This man couldn't watch people daily jump to their deaths, so he asked them a simply question. This 1-minute devotion explains.

"Is there something I could do to help you?" 

This simple question saved hundreds of lives. 

For fifty years, Don Ritchie lived near a cliff in Sydney, Australia, where hundreds jumped to their deaths. Whenever he was home and saw someone suspicious near the cliff, he'd walk across the street, invite them for tea, and encourage them that life was worth living. 

No one asked him to rescue people. He just couldn't sit back and watch people jump. 

Ritchie died in 2012 at age eighty-five, leaving behind hundreds who owed him their lives.

This is a good picture of our role as Christians. Daily those around us are committing slow suicide, but the death they're dying is eternal, not physical. 

Don Ritchie near the cliff where many attempt suicide

Our Lord and Savior rescued us from this spiritual death, and He wants us to tell others about it  (Matthew 28:19-20). 

Just like Don Ritchie, we cannot sit back and watch people commit spiritual suicide.

So let's take some time today and ask God who we might "invite for a cup of tea," encouragement, and life-saving truth.

Want to know more: Don Ritchie, Wiki and Angel of the Gap


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This man couldn't watch people daily jump to their deaths, so he asked them a simply question. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes

1 comment:

  1. Gail -- what a powerful message to remind us that we can all make a difference in someone else's life--right where we are. I'm sharing this one. Keep up the good work!
