
Soft-Core Christians—Biblical Entertainment Standards

If you hung Ephesians 5:8-11 above your TV, would it change your viewing standards? This 1-minute devotion challenges Christians to evaluate their entertainment.
Much of modern entertainment is soft-core porn. 

And even when there's no nudity or profanity, many books, television shows, and movies mock God's design for marriage or glorify violence and ungodly values.

If we spend hours watching or reading these things, we can weaken our conscience, waste our time, compromise our beliefs, and damage our witness.  

It's a serious sign of moral decay when women enjoy pornography that glorifies their abuse (e.g., "50 Shades of Grey"). But it's equally disturbing when we Christians relax our values to enjoy ungodly movies and television shows.

Matthew 5:13-16 reminds us that we are the "salt of the world" and the "light of the world." If we lose our saltiness or hide our light, we fail to glorify God and fail to draw people to His saving grace.

It might not be a bad idea to hang these instructions above our TV screens:

"Live as children of light ... and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret." Ephesians 5:8-11

So let's take some time today and evaluate our entertainment standards for the sake of the gospel.

For more on this subject, see:

Pagan Influences

Have You Become Desensitized?  

Hidden Ingredients

Would you like to do some additional study related to this devotion? Check out Bite Size Bible Study and find out which Bible character serves as a warning against looking at naked people to whom we are not married.


I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. You can find out where to purchase it and download two free Bible studies with purchase HERE.  
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If you hung Ephesians 5:8-11 above your TV, would it change your viewing standards? This 1-minute devotion challenges Christians to evaluate their entertainment.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Thank you for this. I have been really paying attention to what I have selected to watch the past few weeks. I am realizing that the things I brush off as not important, really do live in my mind and that I do let them color my views. Still praying and walking with Him.

    1. Yes, Regena, I think we need to constantly guard our minds in our culture because immoral themes are so prevalent that they begin to seem "harmless." I'm right there with you needing to evaluate what I watch.

  2. Sometimes I wonder why I even turn my TV on ( or watch), Even the commercials have perversion.
    I started sewing more and more! It's so much more rewarding.

    1. Yes, Christine, I so agree.
      Sometimes we'll pick out a show that is "clean" but the commercials are horrible.
      God bless you,

    2. Thats why we always record programmes and wiz through adverts.

  3. We don't have a TV and haven't watched shows for years. We do have to constantly be discerning what we let into our home over the computer screen because we can watch many movies and shows without a TV these days. I gave up reading romance novels about 25 years ago when the Lord asked that of me. Actually, he took that away from me as I couldn't have done it. I have other areas to work on.

    1. Yes, this is a world where we must constantly be on our guard. I typed a Scripture verse into a google search the other day and clicked on the first thing that came up and it was porno! And the Scripture wasn't anything about sex.
      Thanks for sharing your insights, Judith.

  4. I love what you are doing with your blog. I look forward to seeing it. It is helpful even to us ancient ones.

  5. I dont watch many things that I used to. Its not a decision so much as I loose the desire to watch them.

    1. Yes! I have had this feeling recently as well. It's not as much a choice as it is a lack of interest.
