
Be Prepared to Answer This Question: "Why Push Your Faith on Others?"

What does a Christian say when someone asks why they "push their faith" on others? This 1-minute devotion gives an excellent answer.

Scripture tells us to "always be prepared" to answer questions about our faith (1 Peter 3:15). So let's consider this question:

"Why push your beliefs on others? Why don't you keep your beliefs to yourself and let others find their own truth?"

Some people who ask this question aren't really interested in an answer. They simply want to silence Christians. 

But sometimes a person asks this question sincerely, and an answer like the one below can give you opportunities to share more about the gospel:

"If you had the cure for cancer, would you keep it to yourself and watch someone die? I'm sure you wouldn't.

"And since the Bible teaches that all who refuse to follow Christ will be condemned and spend eternity in hell (Romans 8:1-8; Matthew 10:28; Revelation 21:7-8), I would be cruel to keep that information to myself.

"You may not agree with me about the Christian teaching of hell, but surely you see why I feel compelled to share Christ with others." 

Part of sharing our faith effectively is being prepared to answer questions like these.

Other helpful resources: 

See also: Can a Simple Misunderstanding Keep You from Heaven,  There's No Away and Are There Many Ways to Heaven?

To see all fourteen questions in this series, check out the Be Prepared Archive.


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What does a Christian say when someone asks why they "push their faith" on others? This 1-minute devotion gives an excellent answer.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Hi Gail! Another great 'love note'!!! Thanks so much. I don't think I have heard a clearer, short response to this question. I really like it. Good job girlfriend!! love, ginger

  2. We also need to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
