
How My Granddaughter's Folded Socks Remind Me of God's Love

It may sound crazy, but folding socks makes me think of God's love and interest in my life. This 1-minute devotion explains.

God is interested in every detail of our lives and eager to have fellowship with us!

One afternoon I got a call from my four-year-old granddaughter Gracie. She was so excited that she was slurring her words, and I couldn’t understand her.

My daughter got on the phone and explained they'd been doing laundry, and she'd taught Gracie how to roll her socks into a little bundle. As soon as Gracie mastered the task, she asked, “Where’s the phone? I have to tell Grammy!”

My little Gracie
I felt honored. The fact that sock-folding is somewhat insignificant actually made Gracie's call more meaningful to me. Gracie knows I love her, and anything important to her is also important to me.

It reminded me of my relationship with God.

In Psalm 139:4, David explains, "Before a word is on my tongue, you, Lord, know it completely."  

Even though this is true, God still wants us to talk to him continually throughout our day (1 Thessalonians 5:17). He wants us to share whatever is on our mind. 

Have you folded any socks today? God is eager to hear about it!


I think you'll be encouraged by these devotions as well:

God often speaks to my heart through situations like the one I describe in this devotion. And I've shared some of those stories in my book Wisdom for Life. If you haven't checked it out, I hope you will. You can read the first four devotions by clicking "look inside" on
 Amazon or Lifeway.

It may sound crazy, but folding socks makes me think of God's love and interest in my life. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Thanks for sharing this. It was perfect.

  2. thank you for sharing this post, Gail! no matter how big or small our prayers are, we can continue to pray without stopping!
