
Psalm 8—When Babies Praise Jesus

When Scripture says babies praise God, we can take it literally. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

When our daughter was born, I was a new believer and keenly aware of God's miracle of new life, both physically and spiritually. 

My baby daughter Nicole had the sweetest habit of cooing while she slept. And when she accompanied me to my weekly Bible study a week after her birth, her coos were sweet background "music" to our prayers. 

Psalm 8 says God ordained "the praise of children and infants," and I'm convinced Nicole's baby coos were just that.(1)  

When Christ entered Jerusalem, He said that if the crowds were silent, the rocks would cry out (Luke 19:37-40). 

If rocks … why not cooing babies, chirping birds, humming cicadas, rolling ocean waves, and rustling leaves? 

Psalm 8 also says the praise of infants silences God's enemies. If baby coos shut the mouth of Satan, let's do our part to do the same. 

Why not set a timer today and praise God every hour?


If you liked this devotion, imagine it with some deeper insights and additional details added but still concise and easy to read. Then imagine that it is followed by a "For Further Thought" section giving you some ideas for adding meaning to your quiet time. Next, imagine it in a hard-cover book in a convenient size. 

Yes! you will find this particular devotion in my new book Wisdom for Life, but with additional insights added. So, why not check it out:

Wisdom for Life Devotional: 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word. 
Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE
And find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE.

(1) Psalm 8 is also referenced in Matthew 21:16

You might also enjoy the one-minute devotions: Praise and Nothing Else and 10 Good Prayers from Psalms.

When Scripture says babies praise God, we can take it literally. This 1-minute devotion explains.


When Scripture says babies praise God, we can take it literally. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Hi Ms.Gail,
    I am taking the challenge today to Praise God every hour..... as well as pray for you on your travels in addition.

    I loved this "devotion".... thank you

    1. Thank you so much for the prayers and I am so pleased you are taking the challenge! : )

  2. Praying for you my sweet sister in Christ! Love the hourly alarm idea.
